Nessuno è Senza Colpa

Through the use of VHS home movies showing moments from childhood combined with shots taken in adulthood, this short film investigates the theme of trauma and violence repeated over generations, of how the sacrifice of children by their parents is an endless cycle, marked by the dichotomy between love and violence.

  • Eleonora Cutini
  • Eleonora Cutini
  • Eleonora Cutini
  • Eleonora Cutini
  • Razvan Mihai Lacatus
  • Eleonora Cutini
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Nessuno è Senza Colpa
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short
  • Runtime:
    5 minutes 42 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 23, 2024
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    digital, VHS
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Eleonora Cutini

Eleonora Cutini was born in Amandola (FM), Italy, on 23 October 1997.
She grew up in the Marche hills of Fermo (Italy), not far from the Apennine chain of the Sibillini Mountains, inherithing through family memory the love for folk tales and customs of their land of origin.
Guided by dreamlike visions, anthropological research predominates in her work, which finds space in the theme of transgenerational memory (and trauma) analyzed through the atavistic bond that exists between human, the Sacred and Nature. Her vision aims to reveal intrinsic memories through imagery and nostalgic elements, moving between photography, video art, drawing, painting and installations.

- 2020: Bachelor's degree in Graphic and Printmaking at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino (Italy)
- 2022: MA degree in Contemporary Painting and Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino (Italy)

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Director Statement

The first social reality we come into contact with is the family unit; there we learn about each other and ourselves. The first teachings that are imposed on us are those that will later affect the individual's future. But if the family should be a nest marked by love, why is it precisely there that our first fears and traumas are born, and then mature? Children become mirrors of their parents, reflecting both negative and positive aspects. But is it not an act of violence to be brought into the world and then shaped by people who have themselves been marked by trauma?
Violence is so deeply rooted in the history of human society that its absence could even lead to imbalance. This misrecognition leads to the reiteration of violence, as if it were a cursed cycle. The anthropologist René Girard links violence to sacrifice. It is assumed to be able to dominate and guide in the 'good direction' events that could affect the course of human life. Previously, violence for sacrificial purposes served as a way to approach the divine, but at a time when the divine is no longer playing a role in modernity, sacrifice finds a function in the violence in inter-personal relations. These are mechanisms that are inherited from generation to generation, starting from family units.
Through historical memory, especially family memory, the dichotomy between love-trauma is highlighted through the use of VHS home movies showing moments from my childhood, filmed by my parents, combined with footage taken by me as an adult.
The texts of the short film were freely inspired by the work 'A Cruel God Reign' by author Moto Hagio.

La prima realtà sociale con cui veniamo in contatto è quella del nucleo familiare; è qui che impariamo a conoscere l’altro e noi stessi. I primi insegnamenti che ci vengono imposti sono quelli che poi andranno a definire la persona. Ma se la famiglia dovrebbe essere un nido caratterizzato dall’amore, perché è proprio lì che nascono e poi maturano le nostre prime paure e traumi? I figli diventano lo specchio dei genitori, riflettendo sia aspetti negativi che positivi. Ma non è forse un atto di violenza quello di venir messo al mondo per poi essere modellato da persone che a loro volta sono state segnate dal trauma?
La violenza è così radicata nella storia della società umana, che la sua assenza potrebbe portare addirittura ad un disequilibrio. Questo misconoscimento comporta la reiterazione della violenza, come se fosse un ciclo maledetto. L’antropologo René Girard collega la violenza al sacrificio. Quest’ultimo si presuppone sia in grado di dominare e canalizzare nella “buona direzione” gli avvenimenti che potrebbero influire sul decorso della vita umana. Prima la violenza a scopo sacrificale serviva per avvicinarsi al divino, ma nel momento in cui il divino non ha più un ruolo nella modernità, il sacrificio trova una funzionalità nella violenza dei rapporti inter-personali. Sono meccanismi che vengono tramandati da generazione in generazione, proprio partendo dai nuclei familiari.
Attraverso la memoria storica, in particolar modo quella familiare, viene messa in luce la dicotomia tra amore-trauma attraverso l’uso di filmini casalinghi in VHS che mostrano momenti della mia infanzia, ripresi dai miei genitori, uniti a riprese fatte da me in età adulta.
I testi del cortometraggio sono stati liberamente ispirati all’opera “A Cruel God Reign” dell’autrice Moto Hagio.