“Medulla“is a short documentary exploring the human condition. The film captures the life of Kata, an 83 years old woman who lives in the countryside, and tells the story of her vision about surroundings, love, and perception of simplicity. Ageing and the force of life are the main reasons for decomposition of the visual form while the images make parallels between life form, humans, and abstraction of thought. By mixing nature with technology, Kata’s character reflects the paradox of the 21st’s century’s progress. "Medulla" is not a documentary portrait of a woman, but a negation of the contemporary constriction of genders and their needs.
Veronika KamchevskaDirectorNill, 7/7, Ø
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:6 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:May 15, 2019
Country of Origin:North Macedonia
Country of Filming:Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Manaki Brothers Film FestivalBitola
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
September 17, 2019
Macedonia -
INTERNATIONAL Tuzla Film FestivalTuzla
Bosnia and Herzegovina
October 21, 2019
Veronika Kamcevska is a video artist and filmmaker with great interest in experimening with cinematic motion and image realities. The impact of mass media and VR are the main topics of her works. She is the author of the experimental short documentaries “Меdulla“, “Ø“ and the art videos “C/11“, “Nil“, “7/7“, “According to Ergo“, “Spobitie“.