Love Still Remains

When all else fails Love remains. A mirco-film that shows what true love is.

  • Rafiq Jordan
  • Rafiq Jordan
  • Joe Howell
    All Natural, The Wackness, Once A Man
  • Zoe Gherman
  • Kenisha Chase
  • Orell France
    Key Cast
    "Basketball Star"
  • Desmond Scales
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student, Other
  • Runtime:
    1 minute 31 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 10, 2020
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Rafiq Jordan

Rafiq Jordan Nabali, a multi-talented creator is an experienced writer, director and editor. His Jamaican, African and American backgrounds and passion for current cultural events evoke him to create stories that explore the viewpoints of unsung heroes. He is currently working on a documentary titled “Unbreakable” that explores the woes of black women in the film / television industry and the struggles they encounter in trying to get their projects funded. In addition, he has collaborated on award winning films like Best West Tech. (2017) In his spare time, he is a traveling spoken word poet and has been an opening act for the 2017 Poets in Autumn Tour.

Rafiq Jordan
Director | G & E

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Director Statement

“Love Still Remains” is an edgy short film equipped with all the flashy camera moves and lighting cues typically found in a high intensity sports promotion. Nevertheless, at its core, it is the story of unconditional love. Cole Freeman, a black teenage athlete, is always the center of attention. The roaring crowds and cameras watching his every move is his common reality. The crucial final shot launched to win the game is the moment everyone has been waiting for. Yet, when the moment is over, and the crowd disappears, there is only one person that is still there: his father. This story stands in contrast to the mentality found in popular culture. The ideology that you’ll only receive love when you succeed is one that causes isolation within society. The act of encouraging and cherishing someone, despite their failure, is an honorable one. Win or lose, true love will always remain.