Private Project


The sun is rising in the port of Marsala and the longline fishermen are preparing to leave in search of the swordfish. For Matteo it is not a day like any other. This will be his last fishing catch. In fact, he decided to stop his profession on the fishing vessel named Emanuel. Despite the forecasts, Matteo begins his navigation on the west coast of Sicily. On board of Emanuel, life is marked by the rhythm of the sea. The mood varies depending on the weather conditions and the catch. Silently, he wonders if the swordfish will bite once again on the hook of his longline.
On the other side of Sicily, on the Strait of Messina, Nino's family also goes out in search of swordfish but with the "Feluca". On this boat, the swordfish is spotted from above and harpooned according to an ancient tradition. Nino's words and the emotions that emerge from Matteo's last day of fishing lead us to reflect on the theme of sustainable fishing and the contribution that each of us can make in order to conserve such an important resource for our sea.

  • Roberto Lo Monaco
  • Roberto Lo Monaco
  • Roberto Lo Monaco
  • Chiara Colizzi
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Nature, Tradition, Culture, Ambient
  • Runtime:
    25 minutes 42 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 20, 2022
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Roberto Lo Monaco

Born in Rome on January 2nd, 1991. Always passionate about Nature and sea. To follow his passion he enrolled in the course of biological sciences at the University of Roma Tre. He continued his studies with a master’s degree in marine biology at the Marche Polytechnic University. Parallel to his university career he is increasingly approaching the audiovisual arts and photography, deepening his knowledge in video editing programs, graphics and animations, photography, aerial and underwater shooting techniques. After a period spent abroad, he has made this passion his job by collaborating with university research groups for the creation of scientific documentaries for dissemination and promotional purposes.

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Director Statement

Nature and science show us incredible things and this is exactly what I would like to show in my documentaries. My goal is a scientific documentary that talks about Nature and science. For me, science communication means telling a story in which the main characters are the passion for scientific research, the enthusiasm for new discoveries and the beauty of Nature.