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At the very beginning, a chance meeting between Vitaly and Olga could be doomed to further relations. Olga is a dweller of a neuropsychiatric boarding house. Vitaly is from a family where everyone, like himself, is a person with disability. The head of the family, human rights activist Ruslan Imerelli and his wife Marina give young people an opportunity to build a family, understanding how special ability to love is for such people: “Because they live with completely different feelings, different concepts ...”. Vitaly and Olga’s wedding day is not just their personal achievement, but their example is giving a chance

  • Iryna Prudkova (Havrikova)
  • Iryna Prudkova (Havrikova)
  • Iryna Prudkova (Havrikova)
  • Alexander Olkhovsky
  • Vitalii Kiapp
    Key Cast
  • Olga Peterburska
    Key Cast
  • Ruslan Imerelli
    Key Cast
  • Maryna Bondaruk
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Я рядом
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 56 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    July 11, 2020
  • Production Budget:
    0 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Iryna Prudkova (Havrikova)

Iryna Prudkova (Нavrikova).
I was born on the 1st of April 1971 in Taganrog Rostov region,Russia
Citizen of Ukraine. I have been living in Ukraine since 1980.
1988-1990 – Rostov School of Culture, specialty: librarian-bibliographer.
2003–2008 – Mariupol Humanitarian University,
specialty: journalism.
1990–1992- librarian of the branch №2 named after Alexander Serafimovich of the Central library system for adults in Mariupol.
2000 г.- (several months) - librarian of the Korolenko Central Library.
2000-2004 – Head of the branch No. 2 named after Alexander Serafimovich of the Central Library System for adults in Mariupol.
2004-2015 - correspondent of LLC TRO “Mariupol Television “.
2015 - Freelancer (TV and film)
2016 - Project Manager for Mariupol of the International Charity Fund “Isolation. Platform for Cultural Initiatives. ”
The Producer (Donetsk region) «Art Project/Book: Imagined Community, researching the idea of the nation». Author Mila Teshaieva / Robert Bosch Stiftung
Author, producer and amaterer of the full-length documentary about the volunteers in the war in the Donbass against Russian aggression “Caravan”. Production manager of the full-length documentary of the Lithuanian author, a film director and a cameraman Mantas Kvedaravicius” Mariupolis”, the main character of which is my eldest daughter, a war journalist Albina Lvutina.
A line producer of the full-length documentary film “Boy Of War” by the French filmmaker Cyprien Clément-Delmas.
A line producer (along the front and Donetsk region) of a full-length documentary by the Ukrainian author,a film director and a cameraman Sergei Volkov “Vdyvlyayuchys u Temryavu” “Staring into the darkness” (UkrKinoChronicle).
A line producer of the full-length documentary film by the Russian author and a film director Nelly Muminova, “Extreme Park”. The main characters are a large family of immigrants from the occupied territory, I freed the eldest son and the head of the family from the captivity of the kadyrovites (Putin’s Russian hitmen).
A production manager of the feature-length documentary “ IronHundred" by the Ukrainian author and a film director Yulia Gontaruk with the support of Derzhkino (StateCinema); production of the film company "Directory of Cinema" in Mariupol.
A location director of the full-length feature film “Atlantis” by the Ukrainian author, a film director and a cameraman Valentin Vasyanovich (with the support of Derzhkino).
A location Manager of a documentary film “Anya and Seryozha” , production of Filmkantine UG, Berlin, 30 min. The author and the director: Yvette Löcker. By order of the German television channel 3sat, the project “Ab18!”.
The location manager and one of the main characters (“Scarecrow”), a short film about violence “Direct Approach”, Denmark. The author is a concept artist Stine Marie Jacobsen, directed by Yuliia Hontaruk.
Among my journalism awards, I consider the “Golden Pen of Donbass” to be the main one - for " the deep and principled journalistic investigations and protection of civil human rights." I was a winner of city, regional, national and international competitions among journalists. For effective cooperation with law enforcement agencies, I was awarded the jubilee medal of the Donetsk Law Institute.
From the first days of the Maidan in Ukraine - an active public figure. Since the start of hostilities in the Donbass - a military volunteer, awarded with the orders and medals.
Non-party. I have no criminal record.
In a civil marriage.
I have 2 daughters.

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