I dare you to see
The Netherlands is Europe's no. 1 veal producer; calves from all over Europe are fattened there. These calves are the residual product of intensive dairy farming and are treated as such. They never get outside, do not get their natural diet and are taken away from their mothers at a very young age and transported to fattening farms. How can we reconnect with the fact that a cow is a living being with maternal love, just like humans. And to recognize that artificial insemination (the word says it all) is unnatural, as is taking calves away from their mothers. How? Perhaps by seeing what they see and feeling what they feel.
Olga de BruineDirector
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:Environmental, Nature, Animal rights, Animals
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:February 23, 2023
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Netherlands
Country of Filming:Netherlands
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No