The Spanish
A couple of rubber barons of Manaus transports themselves from 1919, the end of the Spanish Flu in Brazil, to 2020, peak of Covid-19 pandemic. Among quinine, British tea, beiradão music and internet modem, the misadventures of the couple, under the intoxicating opium of pornochanchada, show how Brazil's
conservative structures keep themselves up since other times.
Francis MadsonDirector
Francis MadsonWriter
Ítalo AlmeidaProducer
Matheus SabbáKey Cast
Julia KahaneKey Cast
Denis CarvalhoKey Cast
César Ricardo NogueiraDoP
Francis MadsonProduction Design
César Ricardo NogueiraEditing
Heverson BatistaSound Mixing
Robson AndreiMusic By
MohamMusic By
Doc & Rio Festival AgencyFestival Agent
Project Title (Original Language):A Hespanhola
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Other
Genres:Pornochanchada, Latino, Satire, Historical
Runtime:15 minutes 42 seconds
Completion Date:December 21, 2021
Production Budget:10,000 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Francis Madson has a Master's Degree in Human Sciences (Theory, History and Cultural Critics) by PPGICH UEA. He also has a Bachelor's Degree in Dance at Universidade do Estado do Amazonas and has a licentiate degree in Theater at UnB and is studying Architecture at Fametro. Madson is director and author in Soufflé de Bodó Co. (AM) and Cia. Boi de Piranha (RO) and alread worked with groups, companies and artists in Amazonas and Rondônia as Cia. Cacos de Teatro, Cia. De Intérpretes Independentes, Cia. Índios., Cia. de Teatro Fiasco (Rondônia), Companhia Boi de Piranha (Rondônia), Artrupe Produções, Grupo Jurubebas and Ateliê 23. In the cinema he already directed "Jardim de Percevejos" , "No Céu da Boca Encostou Saturno", "Banho de Cavalo" and "A Hespanhola". As producer is co-created events as FALD (Festival de Dança do Amazonas), Gororobas das Artes, Dabacuri das Artes, Festival Breves Cenas de Teatro, BR – CLOWN e Vazio- Festival de Performance, Circulação de Guerrilha, Sesc – 52, Pan – Potências das Artes do Norte, Menor Festival de Ópera do Mundo, Pensamento de Perto, Ópera Delivery, ComaTeatro, Jandira Theater Move and Conexão Norte.