Frieda - Coming Home TRAILER
Trailer for the feature "Frieda - Coming Home". Movie to be released 2020.
Doc MiguelDirectorMax Topas, The Eylandt Investigation
Doc MiguelWriter
Elisabeth KanettisKey Cast"Olivia"
Timo WillmanKey Cast"Marc"
Project Type:Other
Genres:mystery, romance, thriller
Runtime:2 minutes
Completion Date:January 15, 2019
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany, United States
Shooting Format:C4K ProRes RAW
Aspect Ratio:1:2,4
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Michael W. Driesch aka Doc Miguel is an award-winning filmmaker located in Dusseldorf, Germany. Born in Duisburg-Rheinhausen he studied economics in Duisburg and Witten-Herdecke with degree Diplomkaufmann and doctorate. He has been making short films, music videos and cinema productions since 1980. Today he is CEO of the Xamaram Entertainment SE. In addition to his cinematographic work he is the author of nonfiction and fiction as well as entrepreneur (CEO of Driesch Holding SLU, Spain). He is married and the father of two children, a boy and a girl.
"Frieda - Coming Home" started presumably 15 years ago when my aunt died, only 49 years old at the time. Some weird things happened around her death and for that reason I decided to do some psychic research. After some time it seemed to me that our life is more than only a “matter of matter”: a thrilling epiphany, without knowing if it’s true until we die.
Inspired by a location I used for a short film, I decided to write a mystery thriller dealing with the most important aspects of our lives: love and death. They were embedded in a story that deals with some aspects of my former research. In just ten months I developed the story, wrote the screenplay, got the money, hired cast and crew, and shot the film in New York City and Düsseldorf and Krefeld, Germany.
Regardless of the starting point the film is intended as entertainment only. It plays with the expectations of the audience, leads them astray, and provides them with a hopeful end. "Frieda - Coming Home" is a mystery thriller that comes masked as a horror movie, but it’s actually a love story. It has two wonderful young lead actors, who are worthy of the industry’s focus.
And even though Samuel Goldwyn once said that “Movies are for entertainment, messages should be delivered by Western Union,” "Frieda - Coming Home" also has a message that can be described with a quote from Hubert Selby Jr., the screenwriter of Requiem for a Dream. He said that staring into the darkest parts of ourselves is how we find the light. Nothing more to add.
Doc Miguel