Private Project


Originating in the underground scene, the company MATERIA PRIMA was born from the merger of the Italian performer Domiziano Cristopharo and Jose Luis Lemos, challenging perceptions and gaining an expanding number of dedicated followers. The company traces its roots - and motivations - back to the Ankoku-Butō movement active in Japan in the 1950s, mixing them with contemporary and experimental theater, resulting in performances like IN-PERFEZIONE with strong psychological/visual appeal: the performers' naked bodies, painted and covered with gold and mud, do not merely describe a state or an idea, but create a veritable chain of metamorphosis.

  • Domiziano Cristopharo
    House of Flesh Mannequins, Xpiation, Red Krokodil
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Music Video, Other
  • Genres:
    dance, stage, performance
  • Runtime:
    24 minutes
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Shooting Format:
    digital full HD
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Domiziano Cristopharo

Since 1990 he has perfectioned and expanded his technique by attending multiple courses and workshops, including Teatro Butoh, Solfeggio, Lyrical Vocal Technique, and Teatro Yoga with the likes of Memo Dini, Marcello Sambati, Simona Valli and Masaki Iwana. In the 1990s, together with actor/dancer Pino Grossi, he founded the Dance company CONTENITORI DI IMMAGINI with which he produced several shows for Italy and abroad. In 2002 he also create the music compilation TUTTI PAZZI PER RETTORE with which he obtains distribution at the European level, also reaching 12th place in the European chart.

He founded BLOODY CABARET in 2006, a company of SIDESHOW and BODY ART with which he landed in 2007 to the most popular show in italy: DIGNITA' AUTONOME DI PROSTITUZIONE. He will then remain in this show as a solist until 2015, performing in historical theaters such as the Quirino (Rome) Franco Parenti (Milan), Bellini (Naples) and of which he will be spokesperson on RAI 1 (the Italian National Television) together with actress Marianna Mercurio.
His character ARTE IN MUTANDE (with the lighted Frack and Top Hat, copied and imitated by many) will become iconic, landing on the posters of the show and opening Luis Vuitton's exclusive party for the opening of its ETOILE BOUTIQUE in Rome.

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Director Statement

"Before employing techniques,
the question of mind,
spirit or life must be considered.
When choreographing,
if you consider techniques and apply them to dance,
somehow in the process the most crucial part disappears.
If the technique comes first in dancing, well...
why should we bother dancing?
We don't depend on techniques to live.
I try to ignore techniques and structures and focus on the spiritual.
That's what I strive to achieve in my dancing."

​Kazuo Ohno