Drag Queens Must Die!
Three budding Drag Queens, in need of spiritual cleansing, leave the Bay Area to tour the US on a 'Wigs on Rigs' tour. After some time, they find themselves in Purgatory following a suggested hate crime.
Robby KendallDirectorVictoria Place ~ Queer Soap Opera
Robby KendallWriterVictoria Place ~ Queer Soap Opera
Sweet Nothing ProductionsProducer
One Match Fire CreativeProducer
Benjamin R. GarciaKey Cast"Dansay"
Alvin Adrian LeeKey Cast"Sammie"
Paul RenolisKey Cast"Todd"
Project Type:Short
Runtime:11 minutes 28 seconds
Completion Date:August 13, 2021
Production Budget:6,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Portland Shorts Film FestivalPortland
United States
November 6, 2021
Oregon Premiere
Best Director Award
Born in Florida and raised in the Southeast, Robby Kendall grew up as that "unique child" who 'thought outside the box''.
Early on, Kendall's creative writing was selected by his classroom teachers as samples of stories that were 'different', perhaps odd. In high school, Kendall began to explore his identity (as a gay male) as well as the 'life of someone else' through Theatre. He thought Theatre might be a path for him, but was greatly discouraged to explore a career in Theatre. So, he put his writing and interest in Theatre aside to pursue a career in Psychology, something that became natural to him ~ understanding human behavior.
After college and early in his career as a Psychologist, Kendall delved back into Theatre and vowed to support the local LGBTQ+ communities by producing and creating fundraisers for non-profit organizations and unique variety shows and game shows. During this time, Kendall found the 'Drag Queen' within and developed his persona "Sweet Nothing", who began to make waves herself. With the success of these one-time events and the notoriety of Ms. Sweet Nothing, Kendall decided to GO BIGGER. So, in the early 2000s, Kendall produced and co-starred in his staged Gay Soap Opera series "Victoria Place", a live, episodic series that made waves in South Florida. In that show, Kendall played Baby Doll Gibbons, an entitled gay from Alabama who found his identity as an infamous Drag Queen. With the success of "Victoria Place", Kendall was encouraged by local critics to pursue a career in the Entertainment Industry. He then relocated to Los Angeles, but did not have 'a name', an investor, or an agent to support his path. So, he decided to establish himself in California as a Psychologist and then begin to produce more works from his creative mind in the Bay Area. Some of these works included: "My Big Queer Quiz Show" (game show), "Kendall's Shorts" (an evening of one-acts co-hosted by his own mother), and "Billy's Showcase" (a visual/ performing arts show).
During the Pandemic, Kendall experienced some personal trauma that brought down his creative energy and motivation to pursue anything further. But within a month, the voices of characters from "Victoria Place" began to wake him at night demanding a life of their own. So, to shut them up, Kendall dug deep into his creative mind, found his motivation, and rebooted "Victoria Place" as a virtual production ~ an illustrated podcast. During the run of the new and improved "Victoria Place", Kendall was contacted by other creative folks and filmmakers through social media commending him for his work and expressing desire to work with him on a project. One of these filmmakers is his Cinematographer from Drag Queens Must Die!
Currently, Kendall is in post-production of his second short film "The Other Side of Eden: A Modern Testament". He has also recently launched an innovative in-person production "Fishnets and Film", which combines a Drag Show with a Private Screening of a short LGBTQ+ film.
As a Drag Queen performer, I have heard many fabulous and compelling stories from LGBTQ+ folks I have crossed paths with. And while performing at a Monster Show in the San Francisco Castro scene many years ago, I noticed the other Queens in my line-up had ‘assistants’ to support them with wigs, props, and costume changes. I, though, didn’t have help! While backstage, and during other shows I attended when ‘assistants’ were present, I began to investigate the relationship between some of these folks and their respective Queens. Some of them wanted to become Queens; some were fearful of being on stage; some were the glue that kept their Queens together.
As a Psychologist, I began to explore their individual stories, which often included an exploration of one’s identity and social-emotional development. Some Queens I knew personally revealed using Drag as a means of healing and artistic expression.
Elements from all these stories inspired me to write DQMD! short film, which introduces three ‘Drag Queen assistants’ in need of Spiritual Cleansing. I quickly concluded that the best place to receive a Spiritual Cleansing is ‘Purgatory’. So, unfortunately, my story had to take a dark turn with a suggested [fatal] beating.
I’m beyond excited to share this short film with the world with the hope to draw interest and motivation to make a DQMD! feature film. Yes, DQMD! is destined to become a Feature Film, which will tell a greater story and delve deep into the lives of each main character. In the Feature, I will also explore the characters they meet in Purgatory. I’m hoping viewers find these characters interesting and relatable, and I’m certainly hoping viewers get hooked on this story.
This story needs to be told.