Private Project

Distant Early Warning

A couple of baby boomers relive summers in the nineteen fifties. Paralells are made between the Covid epidemic, the Cold War and the polio epidemic. But are there lessons learned?

  • Elizabeth Lewis
  • Project Type:
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  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Elizabeth Lewis

Born and raised in Montreal, Elizabeth studied fine arts and obtained a BA in English Literature from McGill University. She also studied fine art in Paris, France. Her first animated film was based on the poem A Kite is a Victim by Leonard Cohen and was produced by the National Film Board of Canada. She later moved to Toronto where she raised her family and worked in commercial animation studios including Walt Disney Animation Canada and the NFB. In addition, she has produced award winning animated films . Later, she taught First Nations and the Inuit in the Arctic and other remote northern Canadian communities . Currently retired from teaching, Elizabeth lives with her husband in cottage country north of Toronto and has returned to painting, animating and writing.

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Writer Statement

This screenplay is episodic and contains three short stories that have already been accepted in screenplay festivals.