An animated short that follows 2 children and their pregnant mother as a typhoon descends on their home. As the storm worsens around them, the family responds to it as a divine test, and are challenged to protect each other in their own ways.
Jessica GohDirector
Ryan Benjamin LeeSound Design
Project Type:Animation, Short, Student
Genres:Drama, Children's, Fantasy
Runtime:5 minutes 56 seconds
Completion Date:July 24, 2023
Country of Origin:Singapore
Country of Filming:United States
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - California Institute of the Arts
Jessica Goh (she/her) is a Chinese-Singaporean artist currently based in Los Angeles, and a recent graduate from the Experimental Animation BFA program in California Institute of the Arts. Primarily engaged in 2D animation, she is concerned with telling stories that exist within the space of mythologised memory, presenting intimate vignettes of real people negotiated through the narrative tradition of folktales and legend.
Early morning on Boxing Day 2001, a tropical depression formed at 1.4N latitude, just off the coast of Singapore. To this day, no other typhoon on the record has formed this close to the equator. All news articles indicate that Typhoon Vamei breezed past the island, doing little to no damage, and dissipated over the Bay of Bengal on January 1, 2002.
In this film, I imagine the typhoon as the forgotten creation myth that shaped my family, recontextualising personal history into an opaque fable informed by the religious and cultural texts of my childhood.
I hope this film lands as softly for the people viewing it, as it did for me making it.