Script Files

Dance in the Rain Coming from Drawn Clouds

A short animated film without a word.

The Boy at the table by the window is doing his homework. He hears a beautiful sound from above. Clouds float behind the window. The Boy draws them with inspiration, depicting the whole world in the clouds.

Mom notices her son's abilities and sends him to an art school, where the Boy tries to draw a still life from geometric plaster figures. Instead of a still life, he gets a picture of clouds. The other students laugh at the Boy. The teacher treats him formally, and callously, and makes corrections with black lines right on the Boy's drawing. The Boy withdraws into himself and does not want to draw anymore.

In parallel, the story of the Girl happens. She is autistic. She, a little girl, dancing in the rain with inspiration and loneliness, is noticed by her parents and sent to a choreography school. But she cannot go on stage when a bored commission is sitting in the hall. The Girl is scolded, and she quits classes.

The Boy grows up and finishes school and college. Now the Young man works in an office located in a business center on a high floor. Multi-colored clouds float by outside the office window. The young man hears a sound that once inspired him as a child. He takes off his jacket and tie and draws clouds on the glass with markers.

In the next building, in the office, the Girl sees the Young Man drawing and goes to the window. The clouds are pouring with light summer rain.

The young man and the girl run out into the street. The young man invites the girl to dance. They dance together in the rain as they walk down the street.

On the closing credits - The young man draws a portrait of the girl against the backdrop of clouds.

  • Yulia Matrosova
  • Oleg Lubske
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Танец под дождём из нарисованных облаков
  • Project Type:
    Short Script
  • Genres:
    Drama, Animation
  • Number of Pages:
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer - Yulia Matrosova, Oleg Lubske