Terry returns to their suburban hometown for a distant family member's wedding. After a year in art school, they intend to keep their recently realized, nonbinary identity private from family. When their old youth pastor shows up to officiate, Terry is overwhelmed by religious trauma and the traditional nature of the wedding entirely. They are faced with the choice of opening up to their concerned father, or letting the dysphoria eat at them from inside.

  • Tira Olkdari
  • Project Type:
    Student, Screenplay, Short Script
  • Genres:
    Drama, Coming of Age, LGBTQ+
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Temple University
Writer Biography - Tira Olkdari

Tira Olkdari is an artist from Cairo, currently residing in Philadelphia. Originally trained in graphic design, they have worked in film and television as a writer, producer, and sound designer for five years. They are committed to telling stories with queer representation after internships with Warner Bros. Pictures and CBS Philly.

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Writer Statement

This queer, coming-of-age drama was my final project for Screenwriting II at Temple University. It would end up winning "Best Undergraduate Screenplay" at Diamond Screen Film & Media Arts Festival, an annual event that showcases some of the best student work in Philadelphia. It is based on my own experiences involving gender dysphoria, religion, tradition, and coming out.