Broken Branches

Log line:
Ice cream makes everything better.

Brief Synopsis:
The biological mother of six year old Jada threatens to take her from the only family that she has known.

  • Lisa Maydwell & Artūrs Zeps
  • Inesa Kurklietytė
    Executive Producers
  • Paul Nethercott
    Executive Producers
  • Lisa Maydwell
  • Viktoria Buika
  • Evelina Brėdikytė
    Key Cast
  • Zachary Spicer
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    13 minutes 27 seconds
  • Production Budget:
    2,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
  • Summer Media Studio
    Country: Lithuania
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Lisa Maydwell & Artūrs Zeps

Lisa Maydwell is originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana, she is an elementary school teacher with a love for writing. "I come from a family of award winning writers. It's in my blood." Ms. Maydwell's current project, Broken Branches, was filmed on location in Lithuania. Summer Media Studios sponsored a workshop which consisted of 45 participants, divided into seven teams. Broken Branches, an episode from Maydwell's "Trees" series. Won Best Film, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Editing, and Best Cinematography. "The experience I gained during the Summer Media Studio program will definitely help advance my film making career," says Ms. Maydwell. Cooper's Plantation, from the "Trees" series, is also an award winning short film. Maydwell has fifteen additional "Trees" episodes, stories that are told by the trees that have inhabited the earth since the beginning of time, ready to be filmed. Lisa has to her credits a feature film, My Brother's Shadow, and a cooking show series called Cooking with Munchies, which airs in Denver Colorado. Lisa Maydwell's goal is to create memorable content for television and screen. Ms. Maydwell will be casting and on location for the upcoming film, The Forgotten Timepiece, of which she co-wrote the screenplay.

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Director Statement

Filming Broken Branches in conjunction with Summer Media Studio (an annual film workshop that takes place on the Baltic Sea Coast of Lithuania) was an amazing experience. I had a talented team, they taught me so much about filmmaking. I look forward to working with them again in the near future.