Private Project

Blunt Objects

After years of a tumultuous career, and a struggling relationship, Lewis ventures into the woods with the intent to end his life. As he prepares to pull the trigger, he notices an artist watching him. Confused, the man is forced to reconsider the actions he intends to take.

  • Marcel de Luca
  • Marcel de Luca
  • Daniel Joseph
  • Daniel Joseph
  • Marcel de Luca
    Director of Photography
  • Iván Kozirev
    Key Cast
  • Finlay McGuigan
    Key Cast
    "The Dendrochronologist"
  • Robert Pickavance
    Key Cast
    "The Artist"
    Emily (2022)
  • Andy Domeisen
    Sound Recordist
  • Leif Lucchini
  • Frederic Zuzan
    2nd Assistant Camera
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short, Other
  • Genres:
    Drama, Interpretative, Absurdist, Experimental-adjacent
  • Runtime:
    8 minutes 47 seconds
  • Production Budget:
    500 GBP
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Country of Filming:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Marcel de Luca

Marcel de Luca is an award-winning American/Italian filmmaker born May 1st, 2000, in Los Angeles, California. After devoting his formative years to self-study and practise, Marcel moved from the deserts of Sedona, Arizona, across the pond to the United Kingdom, to study filmmaking in an academic setting. He often works on projects that explore the moral grey areas of the human condition, imbuing a rich, emotional undercurrent in the form of distinct visual imagery.

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Director Statement

I’ve always been fascinated by the premise of ‘the purpose of life’. Some look for it in love, religion, or passion; but where does the common stranger fit into this? The person on the street that we interact with for mere seconds before disappearing from our lives forever.

Blunt Objects was conceived as an interpretive piece to engage this very topic. Toeing the line between drama and experimental, the film offers purposeful ambiguity to encourage a deeper exploration into where we find value in our own lives. Even our smallest choices are shaped by invisible forces we do not consider. So what happens when all those forces are stripped away? What happens when the only thing between a life-altering decision is ourselves?

I hope you enjoy the film and find what it truly means to you.