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Another Mother's Son

Another Mother's Son is an exploration of the intersection of the #blacklivesmatter movement and the spate of mass shootings in America. Prompted by the recent Parkland shooting Another Mother's Son explores America's tragic fascination with firearms through words, music and images.

"“Another Mother’s Son” is among the most wrenching and poignant four minutes I’ve ever experienced on YouTube. The imagery ranges from the sublime (Cocteau’s “Beauty and the Beast”) to the insidious (Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry). René Calvo takes the clips that make Black Lives Matter a moral necessity—and the Marjorie Stoneman High School students’ fury a secular revelation—and skillfully juxtaposes them with closeups offering visions of hope, all of it cut to an affecting song performed by a mesmerizing vocalist."
—James Morrow, Nebula award winning author of Towing Jehovah

  • Rene Calvo
  • Rene Calvo
  • Rene Calvo
  • Kosi Gyebi
    Key Cast
  • Leo Smith
    Key Cast
  • Jarrett Walser
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Music Video, Short
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 4 seconds
  • Production Budget:
    0 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Rene Calvo

René Calvo, composer, writer and director came to New York City as a dancer working with Yoshiko Chuma and The School of Hard knocks. After some years performing in the downtown post modern scene he turned his talents to the theater. He created the off off Broadway serial Ailanthus Grove. The show ran for 72 episodes. While artist in residence at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center on The Lower East Side he created a 55 minute experimental film called Let Me Be Frank in collaboration with artist Dawn Clements. In 2011 he started the band Goddess Lakshmi and has made 4 music videos with them. As one of founding members of Carbon County Democrats for Change he made 5 shorts including the award winning Tea Party Chickens. In 2000 he aquired a dilapidated townhouse in Harlem and transformed it into The Harlem Flophouse. It is Internationally recognized for its unique beauty and has been the featured location in numerous fashion shoots, films and videos.

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Director Statement

When I heard about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School I was moved by the students activism in response to tragedy. Their bravery inspired me to write this piece.