The story takes place in the future where humanity has been divided as half of the population has evolved with powers beyond the understanding of the world. A new government has issued all variants as threats which lead to the creation of the Dark Hunters who are tasked to hunt and to capture all Variant.
The Story follows both perspectives Eve (A Variant in hiding) and a The Grand Huntress (The leader of Dark Hunters) where both side will experience the tragedy of war.
Oscar BermudezDirector
Oscar BermudezWriter
Samantha MoralesProducer
Daniel RodriguezProducer
Monica HartKey Cast"Eve Levison"
Marieann RealKey Cast"The Grand Huntress"
Daniel RodriguezKey Cast"The Grand Huntsman"
Zachariah GutierrezDirector of Photography
Eduardo LopezDirector of Photography
Mike ContrerasDirector of Photography
Paul BlackDirector of Photography
Cindy BallCostume Designer
Oscar BermudezVisual Effects
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:Sci-Fi, Drama, Action, fantasy
Runtime:12 minutes 3 seconds
Completion Date:November 24, 2023
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - San Bernardino Valley College
Oscar Bermudez- A young filmmaker who started off his journey at his Junior Year of High School learning the beginnings of filmmaking to becoming an improved filmmaker during his fourth year of college who is striving to become a professional filmmaker and make his dream of working with a studio to create a professional feature film into a reality.