Abraxas of Emotions: Joy, Anger, Sorrow, and Excitement
An artist is being interviewed about the mysterious creature that she witnessed when she was a little kid. While drawing a composite of the creature, inside her mind, each of the four primary emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, and excitement), portrayed as scientists, operate various experiments to test what the mysterious creature is. In the end, the artist realizes something about what the creature and her emotions have in common.
Dakyum Breanna LeeDirector
Dakyum LeeWriter
Dakyum LeeProducer
Cheolheung JooProducer
Youjin ChoiKey Cast"The Artist"
Woohyun SungKey Cast"Joy"
Dohawn KoKey Cast"Anger "
Roa BaeKey Cast"Sorrow "
Hyeonbeen ChoiKey Cast"Excitement"
Project Title (Original Language):희로애락: Abraxas of Emotions
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Student
Runtime:10 minutes 31 seconds
Completion Date:July 29, 2022
Production Budget:3,000 USD
Country of Origin:Korea, Republic of
Country of Filming:Korea, Republic of
Language:English, Korean
Shooting Format:Digital, 50mm, 16mm, Canon C200
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Fayston Preparatory of Suji
Dakyum Breanna Lee is a writer and a movie director who strives to restore and protect the childhood dreams of people all around the world. Dakyum won the 2022 Achievement Awards in Writing (AAW) as one of the two international winners and various other writing awards. She is a leader and Art Director of GetCool Magazine and a children's book translator at Africa Asia Development Relief Foundation (ADRF). “Abraxas of Emotions: Joy, Anger, Sorrow, and Excitement” is Dakyum’s first movie, and it is one of Dakyum’s series of “Childhood” projects (Save your Bingbong, Wings, A Short Film Project, and a Raxip Studio Exhibition), which are designed to make people acknowledge the importance of their childhood dreams.
In the process of defining my life as growing up, people tend to determine the essence of something through simple dichotomy or decimals; it is simply a "good" or "bad" nature, a "happy," or "sad" moment. While there are benefits to looking at the world on such a simple scale of judgment, if we can broaden our horizons and look at our lives from afar, we will come to realize that not just happy, angry, sad, and exciting moments, but all of those rainbows of emotions have comprised our life all together.
In Hermann Hesse's novel Demian, Hesse writes about Abraxas, a god that symbolizes confrontation against the dichotomy of the world.
Through this movie, I want people to remember the lesson of Abraxas; in every moment in life, whether it is happy, exciting, or even heart-aching, all those pieces of emotions and adventure we meet are eventually beautiful brush strokes to compose a beautiful painting called life.