90s Georgia
Civil War. The ruins of post-soviet regime. Oppression, hunger, violence is a normal condition for people to live in.
A single mother raises two little girls: Naniko and Natia. A violent bully, accompanied by his grotesque gang shows up uninvited. The woman, devastated mentally and physically, has no choice, but to surrender and gets sexually assaulted.the children have no choice and they have to live without their mother.
25 years after:
The dark and grey past is replaced by colourful present, but only on the surface. In fact, the level of violence is the same. Violent bullies still exist and continue to prey on vulnerable people only covered under the mask of a good person.
The above mentioned older sister-Naniko, who witnessed the violent sexual assault over her mother, experiences mental health issues caused by that childhood trauma. She developed androphobia –a fear of men- and locked herself in her room.
The youngest sister- Natia, who peacefully slept through that terrible night, tries to find her place in the society now. Although, faces rejection and merciless from people around. Natia is constantly bullied by her friends, because of her sister’s mental condition. Friends are getting ready to go on 90s party,but they have an ultimatum for natia: she should come with a boy.
Natia is forced to find a boy online which changes the movies track
Zaur (Zaza) KavtuashviliDirector
Zaur (Zaza) KavtuashviliWriter
Zaur (Zaza) KavtuashviliProducer
Naniko KvaratskheliaKey Cast"Naniko "
Natia KevlishviliKey Cast"Natia"
Project Title (Original Language):გუდიანი კაცი (georgian)
Project Type:Experimental, Feature, Other
Runtime:1 hour 15 minutes
Completion Date:May 10, 2023
Production Budget:45,000 USD
Country of Origin:Georgia
Country of Filming:Georgia
Shooting Format:Canon 5 D mark II
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
I was born in 1984. Since childhood I loved art so much that I worked as a stage worker in tbilisi's academic theatre, I was 14 by the time. Later,I enrolled in university of theatre and cinema for Faculty of acting. worked hard and finished a good acting school. after,university I started to stage plays and used to also act in my own plays. In the span of 4 years I staged 12 professional plays and the plays received love and applause from the viewers. This was the years of great success,but I wanted something different,something where I would be an independent artist. In our country art is unappreciated and its impossible to make a living off of it, because of it I started to work at the television as a motion designer. It was more boring than theatre, so I used to borrow cameras from the operators and spent my free time filming. This pleasant feeling ingnited the love for film making. In our country finding a sponsor is almost Imposible, so I used my own budget to start filming. Hardships turned to challenges and challenges turned to success. In the end we got an interesting project. In my opinion we have created a very different and inetersting movie. Even right now I think a lot about new projects.I love the process of creating and I am ready to turn new hardships into new success.
Life is cinema, cinema is life
A MAN WITH A BAG is a lucky project. When I came up with the idea to start working on this film, I didn't have anything that was needed to work on a film. No budget, no proper equipment. All I had was a camera and an unstoppable desire to make my dream come true.
On the first day of shooting, there were 4 of us on the set. On the second day, 8. On the third day, 16. We were growing and getting stronger with geometric progression. People trusted me. They trusted the idea that I proposed. The shooting days were full of love and happiness that you get when you do what you love. This is an anti-violence film. A film about lack of empathy. A film about the need to care and the diversity of human relationships.