Private Project

"Hidden in Plain Site" also known as " A Reynah in Exile

This awardwinning short film documentary is a symbolic tale about freedom from oppression set to music. #documentary, #Narrative, #Fantasy, #music, #Hope, #redemption, #Art, #Melech #Todah

  • Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer
  • Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer
  • Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer
    Key Cast
  • Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer/
    Executive Producer on music single for film " Hard Sometimes"
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Experimental, Short
  • Runtime:
    6 minutes 30 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 1, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    100 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    I-Photo- I movie
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
  • Tzedeck Offiical
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer

HI my name is Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer and I am an underrepresented artist with a mental health disability . This is my first time at film-making. I have won some awards for being an honorable mention debut filmmaker and the short film I created
Hidden in Plain Site " Also known as " A Reynah in Exile" has won many awards in different categories.
My film "Hidden in Plain" Site also known " Reynah in Exile" is a documentary that uses symbolism to tell the tale about freedom from systematic oppression . I have used music, storytelling and to tell my story and th story of so many others.t The film has many social justice themes woven into the motif of the film. Feel free to view the film now on my website called Tzedeck means Justice in Hebrew.

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Director Statement

Hi my name is Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer also known as Kimmie

I am a underrepresented artist with a mental health disability, I wrote, directed, edited, filmed, and played the main character in my award-winning short film "Hidden in Plain Site " " A Reynah in Exile". I wanted to share my story as a survivor and also the social injustice “Reynah “ the films protagonist experienced in her life and the negative impact the broken mental health system has on her journey to heal and grieve and be able to live a life of freedom.
She is not an anomaly and she is not alone.
In my short film, the protagonist " Reynah" does heal and make it out of exile( Systemic Oppression). However, in real life, the question I ask in my title of my Statement as a director to my audience is “Will Life Imitate Art?" still remains an unanswered question.

" Reynah" the main character of the film finds herself in acute distress and suffering as a survivor with PTSD and is lost in “Exile” because she does not have access to quality long term mental health care to heal and move on with her life just like so many other men and women in her position today find themselves in.

“Reynah “ is amongst the many men and women who are still living in the United States that unfortunately still live in a culture of prejudice, bias, and discrimination of people with mental health conditions and addiction.

“Reynah” is not an anomaly and this issue and the laws are still affecting “ Reynah” and so many others like her both in the Untied States and Globally in real time as I write this statement because of the gaps and inequality, and inequity of a systemically oppressed system for those who seek long-term quality care but don’t have the sociology-economics or premium health care insurances to pay for it.
The film was made in an allegoric storytelling style and is layered with relevant social justice and psychological themes while presenting them in an ethereal, fantasy-like manner.

The music is a compelling backdrop to the film’s story and adds drama and excitement to the overall tale. The music is an original piece—called “A Thousand and One Nights”—composed by the multi-talented composer and musician SaReGaMa

“A Reynah in Exile,” a symbolic tale about freedom from oppression. This award-winning short film, made by me, has no spoken words and instead uses written text, music, and the viewer’s own imagination to convey its messages.
Another intention I had for the film is to give people hope when facing challenges or obstacles in their lives, especially anyone who might struggle with any type of disability. I want to remind them that they are not alone.

When I made this film back in 2017 I was not as evolved enough as a person as I am today to be able to tell my story as a survivor because I was too afraid of what people would say or do to me for telling the truth. That is why I made the film. I did not think I would survive what I was going through and I wanted to document that I once lived and that my life mattered and I was here. I used my creativity and the art of a storytelling with symbolism to keep certain parts of my story hidden because of the fear I had of some of the backlash and negative responses I saw other survivors go through who have shared their story and went public with their experiences with not so positive responses.

Now I am not afraid and feel it is imperative for my voice and the whole truth of my story be told. This way the people who have the social power and privilege can see what their indifference and intolerance and bias of the mentally ill has done to me personally but also all of the other men and women who suffer on daily basis with trauma and mental illness and addiction.

I have grown so much since the time I made the film a few years ago because my belief in a “higher power” of my understanding who gave me and still gives me the courage one second to go on despite all of the adversity and roadblocks I am still facing to keep on going and believe in a better day and future while doing my best to improve my life in the moment and elevate my and other's suffering.

The liberation and empowerment that I was seeking by making this film and telling my story was to improve my life by eliminating the internal oppression and all the “isms” I had incorporated in my way of thinking and responding to life for so many years by hiding in silence because I was not strong enough or well enough to speak. That is the real story of my film and reason for making it in the first place.

If the men and women like “ Reynah” are unable to access those resources and the quality care mental health support they need and deserve to escape “ Exile” then my question is not really answered.

Then the film still haunts the viewer and reader with the reality of a very serious foreboding question will “ Reynah” make it out of exile and be free? Will Life imitate Art?

Thank you so much for viewing my film.

I hope you take away something meaningful from the film and share with your family and friends the important message of hope and courage and the need to change our beliefs and attitudes of who the mentally ill are and how we can support them as a society. It is my hope to continue to spread awareness about these serious issues in our society and help support and amend laws and attitudes that keep our most vulnerable citizens oppressed and trapped in exile. ( Systemic Oppression).

Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer A.K.A " Reynah"
The Queen Esther One Dollar Fund