Vestiges of temporal migrant populations behind fenced yards. Vacant buildings which once furnished the social and employment needs of a populace. Hedonistic fodder channelling an insatiable desire for consumption. Transience and permanence.
David Anthony SantDirector
Ryan HillOriginal Composition & Sound
Felix BlumeField Recording
David Anthony SantVideo Footage
Project Type:Experimental, Short
Genres:video art, experimental, artist film
Runtime:3 minutes 4 seconds
Completion Date:February 25, 2017
Country of Origin:Australia
Country of Filming:Australia
Shooting Format:HD Digital Video
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
'Exploding Cinema'London
United Kingdom
July 1, 2017 -
‘Five Lamps Film Night'Derby
United Kingdom
July 25, 2017 -
September 6, 2017 -
‘Open Film Night’Leeds
United Kingdom
September 13, 2017 -
‘Digitalbigscreen international video festival’Trbovlje
September 14, 2017 -
‘2DA RETRANSMISIÓN’Aguascalientes
October 10, 2017 -
October 20, 2017 -
November 8, 2017 -
OGA - Ospizio Giovani ArtistiRome
June 4, 2018 -
'Flickering Stone’ (a moving image award exhibited as part of HIDDEN - A Rookwood Sculpture Walk):Sydney
September 1, 2018 -
BUMP TVToronto
October 8, 2018 -
The Chachalaca ReviewRio Grande Valley, Texas
United States
April 1, 2019
Born in Sydney, Australia. David Anthony Sant is an educator and maker of artist films. His film making achievements are recognised by the significant number of international film festivals and film making collectives who have screened his work over a time span of more than twenty years.
I attempt to explore the visual language of the moving image with every film I create. A subject that re-occurs in many of my films is the passage of the urban experience within urban localities.