Cat Show
A young blind woman Carly and her Persian cat Tango travel together all over the UK, Ireland and Europe to competitive cat shows.
Donna LipowitzDirectorDog Dancing School
Donna LipowitzProducerDog Dancing School
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:59 minutes
Completion Date:November 14, 2014
Production Budget:5,000 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Shooting Format:HD Cam
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
DocFeed Film FestivalEindhoven, Netherlands
February 21, 2015
World Premiere -
American Documentary Film FestivalPalm Springs, USA
March 26, 2015
North American Premiere
Best International Feature Documentary
Hi, I'm Donna Lipowitz, an Independent Documentary Filmmaker based in London,
Born in 1973 in Brisbane Australia, of German and British decent.
My Background:
After Graduating from Griffith University Brisbane, Australia with a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Television Production in 1993, I began my career in
Filmmaking working in the Art Department on Feature Films and Television Shows in Australia and Germany.
In 2011 I studied Documentary Filmmaking at the MET Film School in London. Since 2011 I've made several short films and two longer films, 'Dog Dancing School' which has
been broadcast on Cable TV in the UK and on public TV in China. My newest Film Cat Show has a distributor attached has just been completed.
I first had the idea to make a film about cat shows after seeing an excerpt from the American Film "Standard of Perfection: Show Cats" and thought it would be interesting to
make a film on this subject in the UK, but with focus on the individual, not the 'theme' of Cat Shows as much.
Even though the film is called Cat Show, the film is about the journey of a young ambitious woman who won't let anything stand in the way of achieving what she wants in her
life, be it cat showing or anything else.
When researching for the film, I set up a Facebook page, and took photographs at cat shows, which I shared with the Cat Showing community in the UK. From this page
Carly approached me and asked if I still needed people for my film. Originally I did have a few people in mind as main characters, but Carly's personality was so strong Carly
soon became my main focus.
I am not British but Australian/ German, and grew up in Australia. I have been living in London in the UK with my husband for the past 4 years, and find the subtle eccentricity
of British people quite charming. I also have a love for animals, and since making Documentaries for the past 3 years, almost every film I make is about the relationships
people have with animals, with a sympathetic viewpoint to my main characters's plight, and a large dose of humour as well.