After many years of her absence, Adela returns to her homeland to receive her heritage. Beautiful and distant, our heroine has no time to lose: a few meetings with her attorney, some documents to sign. But her true heritage turns out to be still undiscovered and comes out suddenly on her path. New lights reveal Adela's unknown past that will change her completely.
Igor SadovskiDirector
Ghenadie PostolachiWriter
Sandu VasilacheProducer
Igor SadovskiProducer
Cristina CozmaKey Cast
Igor CarasKey Cast
Ala MensicovKey Cast
Nicu SuveicaKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Runtime:25 minutes
Completion Date:May 5, 2017
Production Budget:25,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Moldova, Republic of
Country of Filming:Moldova, Republic of
Shooting Format:Sony FS7
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Igor Sadovski
Distribution Information
Igor SadovskiCountry: Moldova, Republic ofRights: All Rights
Born in Republic of Moldova on 6 February 1981.
At the age 19 he moved in Italy , here attended The Sae Institute of Milano, Digital Film Making department.
At the moment lives in Italy.
- FLUTULUS (2016), Republic of Moldova, short film 30”, genre poetical drama.
- CANON (2017), Republic of Moldova, short film 25”, genre psicological social drama.
- SPECTRUM (2018), Republic of Moldova, short film 19”, genre thriller.
- WERNER GRUBER (2019) Republic of Moldova, feature film 90”, genre thriller.
- CHARLOTTE (2020) work in progress, Republic of Moldova, feature film 90”, genre horror.