The Berlin Dynamic Film Festival is an exciting and vibrant event that takes place once a year in the bustling city of Berlin, Germany. As a celebration of the dynamic world of cinema, this festival showcases a diverse selection of films from all over the globe.

The festival's main task is to identify and collaborate with talented filmmakers, who bring their unique perspectives and discerning eye to the table. Through their expertise, they provide valuable insights into the world of cinema, allowing the festival to showcase groundbreaking and visionary films that may otherwise go unnoticed. By actively seeking out talented filmmakers, the Berlin Dynamic Film Festival strives to maintain its reputation as a place for innovation, creativity, and excellence in the realm of filmmaking.

Join us at the Berlin Dynamic Film Festival as we celebrate the transformative power of cinema, discover emerging talents, and embrace the boundless possibilities of storytelling on both the big screen and the digital realm.

Best Short Film
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary Feature Film
Best Animated Film
Best Experimental Film
Best Environmental Film
Best LGBTQ+ Film
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Director
Best Original Screenplay
Best Original Score
Best Cinematography

Films must be submitted in their original language, with English subtitles if not in English.
The festival accepts only feature-length films (over 60 minutes).
Entrants must also provide a short synopsis of the film and a still image from the film.
Entry fees are non-refundable.
The festival reserves the right to disqualify any film that is not in compliance with the rules and regulations.
The festival will not be responsible for any damage or loss of the films during the selection or screening process.
The festival will notify all entrants of the selection results by email.
The festival may request additional materials such as press kits, posters, and photos for promotional purposes.
The festival may use clips from the films for promotional purposes.