This is a HYBRID film festival with live screenings for the audience feedback video you will receive, plus an optional virtual 2nd showcase to enhance the film’s exposure. Festival also conducts blog and podcast interviews with the filmmaker. We have also started a filmmaker’s WhatsApp group with over 100 joined to date to chat about next project and make contacts etc….

Submit your ROMANCE or RELATIONSHIP Film or Screenplay to the festival today.

Get your short or feature film showcased at the private festival with the sole purpose of getting the filmmaker an audience feedback promotional video.

- NEW OPTION: Submit for a guaranteed acceptance.

- 8 Film Festival events a year.

- Filmmaker also receives a chance to talk about their film on the Film Festival ITunes Podcast and also do a blog interview.

- All accepted films receive an audience reaction video of how they felt about your film.

Then you can use that video to promote your film to get into more festivals and obtain a distribution deal.

Romance Screenplay Festival happens monthly.

- Full feedback given on all submissions by industry professionals.

- Winners get their script performed by professional actors and made into a video for them.

- Winners also get to talk about their work and script on the Film Festival ITunes Podcast.

All submissions receive full feedback from the industry on their work. If you r film is not formally accepted, you can email the festival for the committee's feedback notes.

The RULES are simple:
1. Write a screenplay. Make a short film.

2. Submit your work to the industry. Receive feedback and results in 3-5 weeks.

Overall Rating

    Relationships with the festival are amazing, Feedbacks are highly professional and helpful, Promotion is great. Feeling more home than home !
    Hervé Marcotte, Verissimus Films - An ordinary experience, best documentary 2024

    May 2024
  • Fantastic experience! I thank all the people who viewed my short film and spent beautiful words for it!

    January 2024
  • Barry Samson

    What an incredibly sensitive and intuitive Festival! Our film "Cats and Husbands" was awarded Best Relationship Film and this means so much to us because that is what our film is all about. The audience feedback that was created was awesome and so good to hear. If you have an emotional film that you want to have reviewed with the care it deserves, The Romance and Relationship festival is the very Best! We are so Grateful and so Honored!

    January 2024
  • Dan Vulc

    A lovely experience and very adrenalinic journey! Kudos, Feedback Romance & Relationships Festival!
    Brilliant & super inspired idea to have genuine feedback from the audience - this fact connects the creators to their spectators in a very much desired way...
    Great, keep it going, wonderful job!

    December 2023
  • we are thrilled to have participated and to have also won :-) people's comments were exceptional, it's wonderful to hear the opinion of someone who saw our short movie and managed to convey our message. We sincerely thank the festival for the commitment and joy it has given us

    October 2023