Our Mission
The Gulf Coast Film and Video Festival was established in 1998, to promote and showcase the discovery of motion picture artists through inspirational, educational and thought-provoking stories.

Our Goals
To encourage and support the work of independent filmmakers.
To promote all forms of motion pictures.
To encourage creativity in the development and production of motion pictures.
To acknowledge the artistic struggle of independent filmmakers through awards.

Best Festival Award
Best Feature Award
Best Foreign Film Award
Best Short Award
Best Student Award
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Feature Screenplay Award
Best Short Screenplay Award
Best Student Screenplay (Feature or short) Award

This is a competitive entry festival and only ONE winner per AWARD category will be announced and given an award if they meet the high caliber of movie-making skills that warrant recognition.

The Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival welcomes filmmakers. screenwriters and attendees of every age, race, religious preference, nationality, political affiliation, gender and economic standing. We do not, however, welcome or include projects that promote hate, discrimination, violence against humanity or sexism.


It is the goal of the Gulf Coast film & Video Festival to recognize the accomplishments of those that have merited an Award for their outstanding project. Ordinarily, it is the “DIRECTOR” of the project that will receive an award with his/her name inscribed on the award’s plate in a winning category (unless otherwise noted). If the Director is NOT present at the awards presentation, the award will be given to the teams representative who will accept the award on behalf of the non-present member OR MAILED TO THE OFFICIAL CONTACT LISTED ON THE ENTRY FORM, if no one is present at the awards ceremony. In case there are multiple “DIRECTORS” (two or more directors) for a single project, no name will be inscribed on the award’s plate and the team member(s) present at the awards presentation will receive and accept the award as a group. If NO members of the team are present and/or NO directors are present at the ceremony, the Award WILL BE MAILED TO THE OFFICIAL CONTACT LISTED ON THE ENTRY FORM. ONLY one award per category will be given out.


If your project has multiple directors and no name is inscribed on the award, YOUR team will have to decide who will receive that particular award. However, you may purchase your own award (the exact award given out) inscribed with your name on the Award plate for a fee to cover the cost and postage of the award. For duplicate awards with your name inscribed on the Award plate, request your award by emailing the director of the Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival. Hal Wixon, at halwixon@gmail.com or by calling Mr. Wixon at: 281-333-5804 for inquiries and for rates.


If your project wins an award from the Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival and you are NOT the Director, you are entitled to purchase and receive your own award with your name inscribed on the Award’s plate in recognition of YOUR efforts in completing this award-winning project. You may purchase your own award (the exact award given out) inscribed with your name on the Award plate for a fee to cover the cost and postage of the award. For duplicate awards with your name inscribed on the Award plate, request your award by emailing the director of the Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival. Hal Wixon, at halwixon@gmail.com or by calling Mr. Wixon at: 281-333-5804 for inquiries and for rates.


Should you have ANY questions or concerns regarding ANY of the Rules, Guidelines or forms, please feel free to contact the organizer and founder of the Gulf Coast Film & Video Festival, Hal Wixon at: halwixon@gmail.com or by calling Mr. Wixon at: 281.333.5804 between 9AM to 4PM Monday through Friday.

Overall Rating
  • James Coate

    The 25th Annual Gulf Coast Film and Video Festival was fantastic! I had the pleasure of networking with talented folks representing almost every facet of the filmmaking industry. The mixer was relaxing and fun, and the awards banquet was a memorable experience. The films presented were diverse, insightful, and educational. Hal and Karen Wixon provide an atmosphere akin to a family gathering. Good times!

    March 2024
  • Hal Wixon’s 25th annual festival was Amazing—great people, great venue, and more. Especially thankful for Hal’s verbal updates.
    And exceedingly grateful to have been awarded the Best of Festival award for our film and a Best Actress award as well.

    We can’t wait to submit again—you should, too!

    Al Mertens
    “Thank You, Amelia Earhart” feature film

    October 2023
  • Kathy Stout

    Truly enjoyed the awards ceremony. Sharing a table with filmmakers, actors and politicians was a blast, not to mention receiving the Best Animation award from NASA's CGI artist. Definitely a night to remember!

    October 2023
  • Emily Giuffre

    I want to thank the Gulf Coast Film Festival and Hal Wixon for his kind generosity! Thank you for including our film in the festival!

    October 2023
  • It is with a great honor that I announce that my faith-base/horror/drama screenplay At The Mercy Of Faith was a FINALIST in the Gulf Coast Film Festival. Hal Wixon personally called me to inform me that my screenplay was a finalist in his festival.

    During our 15 mins conversation, I found Hal to be an honorable man who truly cares about all us writers and filmmakers that submits our most cherished work to the Gulf Coast Film Festival.

    I enthusiastically anoint a 5 star review for the Gulf Coast Festival.

    Hal Wixon personally called to inform me that my screenplay was a finalist. Through our 15 minutes conversation, I found Hal to be a very honorable man who truly cares about all the filmmakers and writers that submit to his festival.

    October 2023