This film festival is like no other in that everyone who submits a show or movie, no matter how long, will have it put on streaming channels within the month after the film festivalโ€™s submission period expires. This will give them an instant opportunity to become famous and to showcase their films to large streaming services. For all ages and hardly no rules for submissions. We saw a great need to do this from our experience running several film contests. This year we will be having the film festival in Botswana's New Capital Cinema, one of a few African Countries that is higher in the most safe countries list than the USA.

1. All films submitted will be streamed the next year after the contest finishes on one of several streaming channels (10,000+ films channels) which we have an agreement for this service. This gives their films publicity and a way to show off their works. Please ask us the next year where we managed to get your film shown.
2. We do any editing work necessary to make sure your film meets the standards required for the streaming channel provider that accepts you.
3. Category Award Winners will get the privilege to be in the "Hot List" section of the streaming channel they are put on for an entire year and free entrance into the film festival event.
4. Finalists will have their material included in the Hot List section of the streaming channels for the first three months and free entrance into the film festival event.
5. Category Winners and finalists may enter the film festival showing for free.
6. Some films will be able to receive revenue from being put onto a streaming source (70% to you, 30% to us), but this is only if you your channel receives above $100 in revenue generation that year and are put on a commercial-based streaming channel. Short films generally do not get many commercials or even are able to be put onto such streaming channels but are put on "Showcase" channels. So try to make films at least 22 minutes in length.

1. Upon submitting, you are agreeing to allow us get your film streamed for your publicity in the future.
2. No X-Rated films.
3. Anything submitted gives us the right to delete or add scenes as we see fit to improve the workโ€™s overall attractiveness.
4. All ages may enter (kids with parental consent).
5. No nudity.

Overall Rating
  • Vittorio Caratozzolo

    Very happy to have been your guests. Next year we'll try again to surprise you!

    May 2023
    Response from festival:

    You're welcome Vittorio, and thank you for allowing us to give your students some fame. Tell your students to search for "Inside Fun" on Apple TV, Roku TV, Amazon Fire, or Google Play. We managed to get all their last year's videos on it! When you go on it, each is a category with 100+ videos. Scroll to your right, when you reach the end, scroll again and more categories come up (you have to do this twice to get all the categories). We are looking forward to you'll next surprises!

  • I was honored to participate in this year's Attain to Fame Film Festival! - ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

    May 2023