Originally founded as the Walnut Ridge Army Flying School Museum in 1999, we now operate as the Wings of Honor Museum. We were founded for the purpose of preserving the rich history of the Walnut Ridge Army Flying School, the Marine Corps Air Facility at Walnut Ridge, the War Assets Administration’s Warbird Storage, Sales and Scrapping Facility, and the USAF 725th Radar Squadron; and to remember and honor those civilian and military personnel who served to maintain our freedom.

Museum Goals
To tell the rich history of the WWII Walnut Ridge Army Air Field;
To enlighten our guests about Arkansas’ many vital contributions to WWII;
To provide a visual overview of WWII, the most horrible, destructive war in all of history;
To honor America’s veterans, for they have preserved our Freedom;
​To recognize and honor all Arkansas veterans who have served and those who have made the supreme sacrifice for our freedom;
​To continually strive to make Our Museum better.

The goal of this film festival is to keep the stories of our veterans, military history, and community contributions alive. To not allow them to simply fade away and be forgotten to time.

We are proud to host this festival at our museum!

Official Selections, Finalists, and Winners will have their films screened at a designated exhibit for the remainder of the year and screened on the event date at our museum for patrons.

Our museum is a non-profit and runs solely based on donations from community members and supporters. Your entry fees will be entered as a donation and a receipt can be provided upon request for tax form retention.

Best Short Film
Best Feature Film
Best Veteran Produced Film
Best Student Produced Film

A film cannot win in more than one category.
*Short films: 1-30 minutes in length. Feature films: 31+ minutes in length.

Winners will also receive a Winner's Certificate and laurels for your film.
Winners will have the option of featuring their film in our museum with a relevant exhibit for one full year.
Winners will also receive a gift box of unique museum gifts from our gift shop.

Each category will have the following tiers.
- Award Winner - 1st Place
- Finalist - 1st Runner Up
- Nominee - Nominated for an Award
- Official Selection - Film was selected for screening and may be considered for award nominations.
- Honorable Mention - Did not qualify for an award, but was worthy of recognition.

- Films must be about the history of United States Armed Conflicts, the US Military and/or its branches, US Veterans, aviation, or general history of a current or former military instillations. Loose ties are okay.
- We welcome amateur and professional filmmaker submissions.
- There are four categories to submit your film. Short, Feature, Veteran, and Student Film.
- A 'Short Film' will be classified as any film under a run time of 30 minutes.
- A 'Feature Film' will be classified as any film over a run time of 30 minutes, but no longer than 120 minutes.
- A 'Student Film' will be classified as any entry from an individual currently attending a Public or Private School, or College/University. Proof of enrollment may be requested at our discretion.
- A 'Veteran Produced Film' will be classified as entry from an individual who has previously served in the US Armed Forces and was honorably discharged. Proof of service and honorable discharge may be requested at our discretion. A Veteran produced film may be of any topic or genre.
- Multiple entries are accepted. Each must be submitted with its own entry form and fee.
- Film submissions must be made through FilmFreeway. Physical entries are not permitted.
- Films submissions from inside and outside of the United States are permitted. Any film submitted in a foreign language must include English subtitles.
- Works in progress will be accepted, please indicate in your film description on FilmFreeway that you film is a work in progress. However, if it is accepted by this film festival, the final version will need to be turned into the festival by the date of the 'Late Deadline'.
- It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to obtain all necessary copy rights. By submitting the film you maintain you have obtained all the necessary rights for the exhibition.
- Films must have been completed no earlier than January 2020.
- All submissions are final. No refunds.
- Notifications will be sent out 2-4 weeks before the event date and no later than the listed notification date.
- Entrants grant Wings of Honor Museum Film Festival a non-exclusive, royalty free license for use for screening before a live audience, and to publish excerpts in print or electronic media to promote the event in any and all media. The filmmaker must secure all rights and clearances.
- All accepted films will be required to have the following on their films FilmFreeway submission; one film still, a short description of the film (1-2 sentences), and a trailer (if available). These items will be sourced via the FilmFreeway film pages. Please do not email us this information. If these items are not on the submission at the time of acceptance, please upload as soon as possible after the film is accepted.
- There are no restrictions on the type of equipment used to produce the film you will submit. Whether it's a smartphone, camera, or camcorder, you're good to submit!

Selection Process

Our selection committee is made up of members of the Board of Directors at our museum, select key figures from local places of education and government, and experienced filmmakers.

You will receive notifications of selections on the days listed. If your film is not selected, please don't be discouraged. Keep making great films and keep submitting in future events!

We ONLY accept submissions through FilmFreeway.

We reserve the right to disqualify or reject any entry without cause.
Awards & Prizes along with Rules & Terms may be updated at our discretion and without notice.