WITHERED depicts the self-destruction of indifference. Somewhere, where place and time don't exist, in a complete isolation lives a three-member family. Simulating life. Color and words are not possible, and food is the only impulse towards accepting another new day. A film before nothingness itself.
Denis GalenkovDirector
Klaudia FolgaDirector
Denis GalenkovWriter
Denis GalenkovProducer
Mateusz PrzygodaProducer
Michał PrzybyszProducer
Jan KowalczykowskiKey Cast
Joanna NowackaKey Cast
Karolina BaczyńskaKey Cast
Henryk ArabskiKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Runtime:12 minutes 34 seconds
Completion Date:June 15, 2016
Production Budget:1,200 EUR
Country of Origin:Bulgaria
Country of Filming:Poland
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes