Visions of the future pasts
The mutant Vince has the ability to look five minutes into the future. He uses his ability to make his living. However, with the greatest caution not to be discovered. So he organizes magic shows and plays some gambling with small stakes. One day, however, he falls into the clutches of the government, which is interested in mutants for research purposes. Vince's circle of friends is also threatened. After initial successes in escaping the government, however, the noose is tightening more and more. Now Vince must go to extremes to save his own life and that of his friends.
Michael GailusDirector
Michael GailusWriter
Michael GailusProducer
Andreas GailusProducer
Project Type:Feature
Runtime:2 hours 11 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:January 5, 2025
Production Budget:0 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Digital, Full HD 1080p
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Biographie: Michael Gailus
Geburtstag: 14.08.1974
Schule: 08. 1981 – 1994 Abschluss Abitur
Zivildienst: 1994 -1996 (Altenpflege)
Lehramtsstudium in Münster (NRW): 1996-2005
Fächer Geschichte, Soziologie, Politik, Wirtschaft
Referendariat: 2006-2008 in Dortmund
Seit 2008 Lehrer in Babenhausen (Hessen) an einer Gesamtschule
Abhalten von Filmkursen und Filmprojekten für Schüler.
Amateur-Filmprojekte mit Erwachsenen.
Erster Kurzfilm 2018 (i have a dream)
Erster Mittellanger Film 2020 ( Walk a mile in my shoes)
Erster Langfilm 2024/25 ( Visions of the future pasts)