Experiencing Interruptions?

UNEVENLY EVEN - Party or Revenge

“Unevenly Even – Party or Revenge” A thriller short film. A party turns murderous as a crazed ex-boyfriend mercilessly gets 'even'.

  • Majiye Uchibeke
    The Day
  • Majiye Uchibeke
  • Dakota Lee
  • Cinny Beggs
  • Rob Gauthier
  • Dakota Lee
    Key Cast
    Tammy (2014), Union Unbound (2016), Unbridled (2016)
  • Isaac King
    Key Cast
  • Joel Reyes
    Key Cast
    Gospel Hill
  • Majiye Uchibeke
  • Majiye Uchibeke
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student
  • Runtime:
    35 minutes 25 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 26, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    5,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • St. Andrews University Premiere
    United States
    April 27, 2016
    St. Andrews University Premiere
Director Biography - Majiye Uchibeke

He discovered filmmaking was what he wanted to do right from high school when he was the filmmaker and photographer of the Entertainment Club of his high school, which he was part of. He has spent the last few years after graduating from high school studying specific areas of science that fascinates him. He spent two years in the University of Calabar, Nigeria, studying Genetics and Biotechnology and is currently studying Forensic Science with concentration in Chemistry and a minor in communications with concentration in film and public relations. He is currently working on short films and developing projects that are risky but speaks volume about who he is as a filmmaker, what he believes in and his whole outlook on how things are.

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Director Statement

I know the industry has a lot of ups and downs, but honestly, this is what I am meant to do. When I started writing this film, it was very interesting in my mind, but I just theoretically knew the journey ahead and didn't fully grasp the challenges ahead of me. It actually all began with a dream I had during the 2015 summer break.
In this dream, there was this blood-soaked girl, late at night, barely even walking, staggering and holding fast to a baseball bat. And lying behind her on the leafy floor of this misty wood, was this guy she probably have murdered. And again behind this scenario was a cabin with the inside lights flickering. Just too surreal that it woke up, and of course I wrote down everything I could remember. So I sort out to bring this dream to life.
My plan was to shoot in a found-footage, Cinéma vérité style, where actors can break the fourth wall, but that did not happen. We shot in the normal style of films where actors pretend not to be aware of the camera.
Since I and Dakota Lee who have been in several movies like the 2014 movie Tammy, have been talking the previous semester about working together, I showed her the script, told her my idea, and asked her to rewrite the story in whatever fashion pleases her. We ended up with a suspense thriller instead of what we perceived to be a horror.
So, in its simplest form, the plot of the film is about revenge and friendship. Often, in a clique of friends, one gets into trouble feeling the rest did not have his/her back. In our story, this was what Quick felt. He gets into trouble, goes away for a long time but came back like a wolf in sheep's skin.
Since we already cast Dakota to play the girl from my dream, we sort out to cast the other actors. We cast LA born actor/musician, Isaac King (stage name L.A.G) to play the very bad and mysterious Quick, who played the guy from my dream. We cast Joel Reyes, David Ballado, Sheridan Robinson and Alicia Herzog to play other characters we created to supported the story. They are all amazing actors who actually belong to the big screen.
To cut the long story short, it dawned on us while we were shooting. Being a very low budget student film, we're proud that we made it happen, and in the amount of time we had. And on behalf of the actors and crew, we hope that you enjoy this film, for what it is, a true result of good story telling, hard-work and perseverance from young and budding filmmakers.