Among idyllic hills and the bluest of skies live men and their tractors. Trahere is a film about just that, the age-old bond between man and tractor.
Juš JerajDirector
Atila UrbančičDirector
Juš JerajWriter
Matic ZavodnikDirector of Photography
Nina VrhovecGraphics
Matic ZavodnikEditor
Matic JerajSound recording
Project Title (Original Language):Trahere
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:July 12, 2017
Production Budget:452 EUR
Country of Origin:Slovenia
Country of Filming:Slovenia
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
FeKK 2017 Ljubljana short film festivalLjubljana
August 28, 2017
Slovenian premiere
FEKK SLO - Best Slovenian short film -
MedFilm festivalRome
November 15, 2017
Italian premiere -
Interfilm festivalBerlin
November 23, 2017
German premiere -
Neues Slowenisches Kino IIIBerlin
November 25, 2017
Trahere is the debut of directors Juš Jeraj and Atila Urbančič.
Left: Juš Jeraj (director)
Middle: Matic Zavodnik (dop, editor)
Right: Atila Urbančič (director)