Private Project

ti velach taravate

In room yes:
So much efforts are wasted; one who do not desrver are making a progress.
what about me am nowhere

I am finished.i amin wrong path.I do not want be job i want my own bussiness started up!
How much much shall i try ?what shall i try ?
I am not able to understand!
What shll i do ? (posion bollte is in hand)
suddenly phone rings

Suhas: are are u feeling good?
yes: i am good what about you ? why had you called ?
Suhas : i got promoted..i have arranged a huge party; you comming right ?
yes:i can not ! i have work t do!
you guys do have fun!ok !

---seen secound on road
akash :Yash i am trying to call your name accros the sreet.where are looking at ?let go aside and talk
say what are saying?
akash:you are disaappeared after leaving the jobs!
where are you?whta happening with right no ?
hey talk ! what happen ?

yes: once i come to know i shall tell you!
Akash: you should not not have left th jobs! you were really good at job1
look i have been promoted !time has sent ran out! think

yes(agreely): y are done!i shall leave..
akash left and go in hotel.

yes is walking on road. some one come and push with bike.
person tell to to sucide in cnter of road not in bike.

----seen at mounton steps
yes is amgine with father---

father:you are living on my expense!
get a good job ! work some where
i am done now! i woud pass anytime
get a job..
you have ashamed us!

mother: people do not get a job easily!
you left such good job!
you want to start a buiness!what kind of thinking you have you have in yor mind?
you must feel some thing.
dad is aged, u do have small sister and bother, who sahll take care of them? if have such behave this .
what shall we do ?
do not understand ?

brther you must look for some job, mam dad are so much tensed! do not you understand?

Akash: you should not have left job! tata Birla ,ambani only can become bussinessman,people like us have to do the service.

yes :Enough ! (screamed )

four people disappled.
yes: I am not doing purposly
Please understand me

yes try to cut hand using glass.
Person came and shouted glass cut his hand.
person: i came
i sit regulary where you seat
yes: seat here. i am leaving

In morning
bother: bro you have messed up everything;what is this?
Yes: you mind your buiness and get lost!
brother: do not wnat to get job or just want to roll around ?
brother:yes i am going not a jobless person like you!

Person : are you trying to fins someone?
yes: you only
yes:I am sorry yesterday i did not recognised you.
yes: i was upset yesterday.
person: i know that
Person:can you answer some of my question.
yes: yes sir
person: why you trying cut hand and trying to suicideyesterday.I am right.
yes : yes sir.
Person:what had such happen ?
person:you started feeling to commit suicide ?
yes: ye ssir i was about to commit suicide.
not because life is an easy part!
there are such reason

person : what are the reason do

tell me
yes: sir i am civil enginner
clever student of my batch
ui got got job in very good company that too with a good salary.
but i never wanted to do the job!
i want to start my own buiness.i left job and start buinees. i got loss in buiness and all person taunts began to me.

all of sudden i was broken.

person: the steps which you have make dream come true were decision all yours ?

when struggling in life you should not stop; you must keep fisghting.
committing sucide is not the last thing.

when thinking you must think that failure will often happen to be .
you must absorb failure . that might not to be too much.

yes: i do not understand what you want to say.
some time efforst fails.
but the lif which you must not have this kind of reason to be finished.
i do agree with you how much sahll i try?
from where i start i do comback agian.

person: There are many living examples in this world like newton,licon
abrahn lincon failed many times in the election.
But they never lost hope.
Once he got elected and the world was spread.
watson created light.
he failed many times,but never kept trying.
keep trust on yourself and keep trying.

you need to forget the past ,it might not to be your time.

rember you need to keep trying in your life . you neeed to keep moving ahead.unless and untill your time does not arrives.
fate rerely calls us upon the moment of our choosing.

person: tell what your name?
person laugh : look think . your name says meaning yash mean sucess.

yes: i got l lot of things to learn from convertion.

  • dinesh
  • prajata patil
  • dinesh
  • sachin nare
    Key Cast
  • God
    Key Cast
    "joshi sir"
  • akash
    Key Cast
    "dinesh vishe"
  • mother
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Experimental, Feature, Short, Student, Television, Virtual Reality, Web / New Media
  • Runtime:
    11 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    May 30, 2019
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    India, Viet Nam
  • Language:
    English, Marathi
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - dinesh

First short film is selected canse screening.

Add Director Biography
Director Statement

rember you need to keep trying in your life . you need to keep moving ahead.unless and until your time does not arrives.
fate rarely calls us upon the moment of our choosing.