Experiencing Interruptions?

Thirty - Season 1

THIRTY is a web series about four real, diverse women in Sydney, stumbling through their early thirties and trying to get their shit together.

Childhood mates Charlie, Anna and Bianca reconnect with Dalia, who has fallen off the grid after having a baby and moving to the suburbs. Together they navigate the peaks and pitfalls of love, work, family, sex and friendship.

  • Leah Pellinkhof
    Count the Ways, Queersland, Chook And Maureen, Killer Smile
  • Tricia-Lyn Morosin
    Corporate videos, Former Journalist at The Newcastle Post
  • Tricia-Lyn Morosin
  • Sarah de Possesse
    To Surf With Love, The Ride, Bienvenue À Brelville, Garage Dreams
  • Madeline Beukers
    Hold her Down
  • Sarah de Possesse
    Key Cast
    Starting from... Now, Pretend, The Women who were Never There, Open Wound and The Move.
  • Alison McGirr
    Key Cast
    Home and Away, Penny Dreadful, Vikings, Duets,
  • Prudence Holloway
    Key Cast
    The Girlie Show, Carrie The Musical, Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens.
  • Tricia-Lyn Morosin
    Key Cast
    Poo Shame, Vagina Curiosity & Other Things That Won't Kill You.
  • Project Type:
    Web / New Media
  • Genres:
  • Runtime:
    30 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    May 10, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    24,000 AUD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Season 1 Premiere
    May 17, 2017
    Australian Premiere
  • Melbourne WebFest
    July 2, 2017
    Nominated for Best Australian Drama
  • New York Webfest
    New York
    United States
    November 18, 2017
    Best Dramedy
Distribution Information
  • YouTube
    Country: Worldwide
    Rights: Internet
Director Biography - Leah Pellinkhof

Leah Pellinkhof is an award-winning writer and director whose films include ‘Kenosis Kiss’, ‘CountThe Ways’, ‘Chook and Maureen’ as well as the webseries ‘QueersLand’. A NIDA and AFTRS grad, Leah is proudly the Co-Artistic Director of the Queer Film Collective and is passionate about telling stories that represent the beautiful diversity that exists in the culture and subcultures of Australia.

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Director Statement

As a queer female director, it can be difficult to find projects that I want to give my time to, let alone something that ignites my passion - THIRTY is that project.

In the past I have had writers approach me to direct great projects that I have passed up due to the content - scripts containing misogynistic storylines, under-developed, or no, female roles etc. Saying 'no' to these opportunities has been a conscious decision to ensure that I'm driving stories that I believe in. So I am thrilled to be on board a show like THIRTY.

The characters are feeling society's pressure of having a highly successful career and family. As someone who is pushing 40, who doesn't have their career and shit together, and feels like they should be far more advanced in every aspect of life - these characters offer a refreshingly realistic representation of what it's really like to be in your 30's.

Importantly, Tricia has created a fantastic mixed group of characters with diverse cultural backgrounds and sexual persuasions. I'm passionate about telling LGBTQI stories, and having strong, authentic lesbian characters is hugely important. I think that THIRTY has a lot to contribute to the Australian screen landscape.