soñé con un ✨golpe de estado✨

soñé con un ✨golpe de estado✨ is a composition of videos, audios and texts extracted from twitter via web data collection.
is a composition of videos, audios and texts extracted from twitter via web scraping.
There are 2 video fragments that are widely circulated on the internet: a school of digital influencers (year unknown) and the fateful video of gym instructor Khing Hnin Wai, which has a military coup in Myanmar (2021) as a backdrop. A fragment of David Bowie interviewed by Jeremy Paxman on BBC Newsnight (1999). Finally, a collection of tweets that contain the word COUP posted between February 19 and May 13, 2021, one of these tweets gives the work its name.

  • Julia Brasil
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    soñé con un ✨golpe de estado✨
  • Project Type:
    Web / New Media
  • Completion Date:
    June 21, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
    English, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - UNESPAR
Director - Julia Brasil