Her recent solo shows include: La difesa a Palazzo Ducale, Palazzo Ducale, Venezia, Il rumore dei buchi neri, curated by Daniele Capra, Emergency, Venezia; Guerra e Pace, Gypsotheca di Possagno; Stelle e Conflitti, curated by Giacinto di Pietrantonio, Complesso dell'Ospedaletto, Venice; You May Say I'm a Dreamer, curated by Claudia Melis and Chiara Peru, Museo Nivola, Orani; Io Combatto, curated by Olga Gambari and Fortunato D'Amico, Arsenale, Venice, and Archivio Centrale di Stato, Rome. She has made projects with Emergency, Museo Macc, Calasetta, Cittadellarte, Fondazione Pistoletto, Fondazione Mudima, Milano, Neon Campobase, Bologna, Ca' Foscari Science Gallery, Venice. Her installation Labyrinth for Cats is on permanent display at Spazio Thetis in Venice. In 2018 she published for Stampa Alternativa the novel Antimony. Manualetto rivoluzionario and in 2010 for ZeL Edizioni the anthology of short stories Macedonia from which she adapted and directed the film Il cerchio rotto.
In 2004 She wrote and direct: “ 8 febbraio" (8th of February) a short period drama produced by the “Società Dante Alighieri” regarding the year of evolution of 1848 when a student revolt on February 8 turned the University into a battleground. - Ministry of Culture award (Mibac), Mestre Film Festival winner, Malaga Film festival winner, Cuba film Festival selected, actually released by the Veneto Region Circuito Off. - In 2006 she realized documentary Mediteatri about theatres in the Mediterranean commissioned by Formez (Ministry of foreign affairs). In 2004 she took care of Videoarte for Asolo Film Festival. She has published Viscontian studies for University Reviews (La Valle dell'Eden, Bianco e Nero).