Samawa Cinema is a film club in Iraq working 9 years ago in the screening of films in cooperation with various cultural institutions. Movies are displayed in different dates, and in different regions. There are no prizes, only certificates are awarded for the films being picked.There are multiple events, all year round and even after the specified date we can choose movies in a special event. We are holding various agreements inside and outside Iraq by providing films to participate in festivals and others as well. So all the movies that we get have the opportunity to show.So, as soon as you share with us and put your film, we consider this to be your official approval. To authorize Samawah Cinema. To present the film to several festivals.As we choose annually. 10 films for the purpose of supporting in the joint distribution by us. Especially in the Arab regions. It's all free only if the film gets a cash prize that is deducted only 2 percent. The rest are sent to filmmakers. If the film received a moral award, for example a cup or medal. It is sent to the film maker. With the publication of film details in the media and talk about.The film will be distributed for one year only.
At the end of each year we conduct a poll of the best film the audience has seen. Only one film is selected by the public and the winning film is awarded $ 1,500.