Experiencing Interruptions?

Saturday Morning

The room is decadent. Empty beer bottles and cigarette butts cover the floor. Two purses, a wallet and credit cards surround a bright white powder on the table.
Negra and Tapón work with the full intention of fighting against their reality. They have had enough and will not settle for what life has given them even if it means loosing a bit their humanity.
The room is calm. Sun light filters through the windows. White sheets cover the bed. Sweet good morning kisses in bed.
Three teens head to breakfast at a high-end restaurant in their new car. They have no care in the world other than gossip about who was kidnapped and how much the ransom is for.
Characters from different worlds in the same city - two different worlds existing during a silent war.
They meet on Saturday Morning.

  • Roberto Collado-Anzaldua
    A Rough Sketch of Nepantla, 11 Years of Nightmares and a Wastes Lifetime
  • Roberto Collado-Anzaldua
    A Rough Sketch of Nepantla, 11 Years of Nightmares and a Wastes Lifetime
  • Dulce Navar
    A Rough Sketch of Nepantla, 11 Years of Nightmares and a Wastes Lifetime
  • Demetrio Ávila
    Key Cast
  • Enrique Luna
    Key Cast
  • Aurelio Collado
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Sábado por la Mañana
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    13 minutes 17 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 30, 2014
  • Production Budget:
    250,000 MXN
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Cityvisions Film and Video Showcase
    New York, New York
    May 30, 2014
    CCNY Screening
    Best Cinematography, Best Sound Design, Special Judges Award
  • Mexico International Film Festival

    Official Selection / Special Jury Award
Director Biography - Roberto Collado-Anzaldua

Collado began his artistic interest at a very early age. Music was his first venture. He studied in the Conservatorio de las Rosas in Morelia, Mexico and currently plays more than 13 musical instruments. By the age of 20, he began his B.A. in Theatre, Film and Television program at the University of Texas-Pan American and finished his M.F.A. in Media Arts Production from the City College of New York.

2017. Alberto o la Metamorfosis del General Carrera Torres. Documentary. Diractor, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2014. A Saturday Moring. Short film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2015. Broken Jam. Short film. Cinematographer.
2013. Birth. Short film. Cinematographer.
2012. Blackbirds. Short film. Cinematographer.
2012. Fiction #4 – For Sofia. Short film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2010. A Rough Sketch of Nepantla. Short film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2009. 11 Years of Nightmares and a Wasted Lifetime. Feature film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter. By the age of 20, he decided to become an actor and applied for the Theatre, Film and Television program at the University of Texas-Pan American which introduced him to the technical aspects of film where he found his true passion.
He received his Bachelor’s in 2009 having participated in more than 20 productions including his first feature film, 11 Years of Nightmares and a Wasted Lifetime.

2014. A Saturday Moring. Short film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2013. Birth. Short film. Cinematographer.
2012. Blackbirds. Short film. Cinematographer.
2012. Fiction #4 – For Sofia. Short film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2011. Entre 21. Mini-Documentary. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2010. A Rough Sketch of Nepantla. Short film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.
2009. 11 Years of Nightmares and a Wasted Lifetime. Feature film. Director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter.

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Director Statement

Up north; an ever increasing demand for narcotics.
Down south; a never decreasing necessity to satisfy that demand. And in the middle, the new generations trying to survive the chaos created by the dynamics of the economic system. Survival is the word, and itʼs only about that. In a country where class, sex, and racial discrimination are not even addressed as social
issues; where the flow of drugs towards the north is only countered by an equally fluid smuggling of weapons running south; where every fiber of society is stained by corruption; does anything matter as much as survival?
Drugs to the north, guns to the south, money everywhere. Some try to be indifferent, some try to make a living out of it. Mix the proper ingredients and let them work it out. Forget about it and go out for lunch, and anything can happen... on a Saturday Morning.

Roberto Collado-Anzaldua, Director