Reel Queer Youth Behind The Scenes 2015
Reel Queer Youth is a video production and media literacy training program for LGBTQ youth and allies ages 13-20 in Seattle, Washington. Get a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to make four films in five days!
Danny TayaraDirectorLucky Them BTS, While We're Asleep, Talk to the Brain, The Rest of Us
Landyn PanDirector
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:Documentary, Youth, Education, Media, LGBTQ, Queer, Media Literacy
Runtime:2 minutes 4 seconds
Completion Date:July 26, 2015
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film FestivalSeattle, Washington
October 11, 2015
World Premiere
Danny Tayara is a queer filmmaker and animator in Seattle, Washington. Danny produces live action films, stop-motion animation, and motion graphics. You can see her portfolio here:
Since filming and animating for WHILE WE'RE ASLEEP, Danny has had the pleasure of directing projects such as a Behind-The-Scenes documentary for LUCKY THEM (a Megan Griffiths film), and fundraising & promotional videos for local Seattle artists and organizations (Ilvs Strauss, Lana McMullen, Camp Ten Trees, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, Reel Queer Youth, Arts Crush, and Homeward Pet Adoption Center, among others). Danny's current personal documentary project is largely focused on queer identity and relationships, estimated to be completed by winter of this year. Follow Danny's Facebook page for updates and fundraising opportunities for this project! She expects to begin a fundraising campaign REAL SOON!
Currently employed as Programming Coordinator with Three Dollar Bill Cinema, Danny is heavily involved on the screening committees for the Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival and Translations: the Seattle Transgender Film Festival.
The foundation of Danny’s career as a filmmaker began at Reel Queer Youth video production and media literacy training for LGBTQ youth and allies, and she has since transitioned into becoming the Program Manager.
Danny collaborates with many community members and organizations to bring her projects to completion. She would like to thank Reel Grrls and Three Dollar Bill Cinema for providing tremendous support throughout the years.