Rebels Without a Submission is a festival founded by independent filmmakers inspired to change the formant of showcasing. This film festival will pave the way for a new generation of filmmakers by creating a platform for them to invest in their artwork without the price of a “SUBMISSION” but instead with a price of an Refundable “APPLICATION”.

Rebels Without a Submission strives to give filmmakers and artists an opportunity to participate in a film festival to showcase their artwork amongst a group of live audience members.

Filmmakers today are faced with the challenge of having their films turned down and rejected by certain festivals, even after already paying a submission fee. Unfortunately, some filmmakers experience the loss of their money without the confirmation of ever knowing if their films have actually been viewed.

Rebels Without a Submission will help filmmakers receive the most value for their money by guaranteeing them an automatic screening spot upon the approval of their application. Screening time will be provided to each approved applicant at an affordable rate of $50 per. film. Although this price may be similar to the cost of other festivals, for this particular festival, filmmakers won’t see their money go to waste. Rebels Without a Submission commits to not accepting any application fees unless the applicant is guaranteed their screening spot.


Content – Although Rebels Without a Submission fully supports passionate voices and truth expressed through artwork. The festival will demand that ALL film applicants are kept appropriate and relevant. No pornographic or crude references that can be offensive in any way will be accepted. We reserve the right to deny applicants if necessary.

Films are to be kept 10 minutes and under in length.