He was supposed to leave home ...
And never return back.
He thought he was courageous to travel far from his island.
But, let him tell you the Odyssey of his return.
Now, it will be all right, for whatever it is ....
He's there !
Jonathan DrumeauxDirector
Jonathan DrumeauxWriter
Drums VideoZProducer
Jonathan DrumeauxKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Genres:fiction, one minute, no voice
Runtime:1 minute
Completion Date:January 6, 2017
Production Budget:500 EUR
Country of Origin:Guadeloupe
Country of Filming:Guadeloupe
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Festival Prix de CourtFort-de-France
February 18, 2017
world premiere