Script File

Killers in the Geanes

When a single mother becomes engaged to a detective, her son’s aggressive tendencies result in her discovering that she was adopted. Her predisposition to uncontrolled violence is triggered and she will do anything to ensure she and her son remain together, even if it means hurting others, including her fiancé.

Jene Whitaker's son is banned from daycare following another display of violence when he kills the class pet. She is advised that she should seek counseling for her son and investigate if there are any other signs on violence in her family. When she begins to investigate her parents and their mental health, she makes the shocking discovery that she was actually adopted. Her biological parents have both been more than violent in their past and have actually been accused of murder.

Ashamed of her background, she continues to dig deeper to understand more about her family and the possibility of she and her son having inherited this trait. She is attacked by a man that tries to sexually assault her, triggering a dangerous combination of violence and martial arts training that proves to be a deadly weapon. Having experienced the pleasure from the combination of domination and the power of feeling life slipping away, she begins to lust for the exhilaration that it provides.

Her fiancé and homicide detective is now on the case and he must put the pieces together to find the killer before they attack again. Though the evidence that he is finding is circumstantial, he has no choice but to follow the leads and his instincts that all point him towards his fiancé. He confronts her to determine the circumstances around the attacks, in the hopes they were cases of self-defense. The discussion between them quickly escalates, ending in death.

  • James Barber
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Crime, Drama
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - James Barber

Born in Augusta GA, James Barber has spent the majority of his life developing entertaining stories that have been shared with family and friends for personal entertainment. James used his talent for inspiring, persuasion, writing, and storytelling to start and grow a successful IT company. He has now decided to pursue his dream of creating screenplays to entertain children with animated stories that deliver subtle messages to his audience.
He has managed Top Secret projects as a part of his IT career, as well as served as a research scientist at NASA studying the atmosphere. These careers have inspired him to create dramatic science fiction stories full of advanced technology, conspiracies and unexpected twists.

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Writer Statement

Seeking an opportunity to collaborate and bring my projects to the Silver Screen. Motivated, inspired and fully dedicated to pursuing my dream.