The P.O.V. International Shortfilm Festival happening in Berlin is dedicated to the wonderful technique of Point-Of-View-shots in cinematic works.
We want your P.O.V.-film, we want to see what you see, so let the Games begin.
all kind of films are allowed, any genre, theme, style or production date - as long as they are under 10 minutes and >IMPORTANT< that the film is technically and totally kept in P.O.V.-perspective!
in autumn we are going to celebrate the best films in one of Berlin's cultiest places for public film-screenings - in the middle of underground deep down Neukölln -
updates will be posted soon - we sincerly can´t wait to party with you!
Grand Juryprize 333,- Euro
2nd Place Prize 222,- Euro
3rd Place Prize 111,- Euro