In a world of film reboots, remakes, prequels and sequels, originality is getting lost. In its second year running, the Original Film Festival is looking for new stories and ideas to bring together and help celebrate originality.

Created by a fellow professional film-maker and animator to spark creativity and discussion amongst the community, your work will be awarded based on its story, sound, visuals and overall impact.

Entries can be accepted into the festival to receive winning laurels that can be included in all your future promotional material. In addition, your work will be tweeted out to a fresh and eager crowd of twitter followers.

Please note this is an online film festival with no public screenings. Your work may be mentioned, but will NOT be uploaded for public or private screenings, giving YOU control over whether your work is published online or not. If you have already uploaded your film or trailers, please attach links if you would like these to be shared through social media. Prizes and feedback are digital.

OFF Laurels
Winner receives golden OFF Laurels to attach to all future promotional material, for the following categories:

Best Original Story
Best Original Sound
Best Original Visuals
Best Original Film

Social Media
Clips and trailers from accepted Entries may also be shared through social media to increase your online presence.

You maintain full ownership of all of your submitted material. However, you grant the use of all provided promotional material to be used in any future publications. Your name and other provided information may also be used to give credit to your work.

Only films completed in 2015/2016 will be eligible to win. You must be the original creator and official representative of the work submitted, and the story or narrative arc must be original. Being influenced and inspired is fine - but creativity is rewarded.