open again
OPEN AGAIN is a story of a growth that originates from a void that seems unfillable. An inner journey towards rebirth and the rediscovery of ourselves.
It was born as a photographic project, and evolves to become a contemporary dance performance.
Divided into four acts, this work talks about that kind of love so pure and visceral that it can drag us out of the darkest corners of our mind, where we often remain isolated from others and from ourselves.
After a great loss (act 1) I experienced a long period of total disconnection from my body and from my mind (act 2). During that time I approached contemporary dance, looking for something I could hold on to. I found a guide (act 3) and a family (act 4), and with them a renewed serenity and awareness.
Although it all started from a painful event, the focus of this work is not grief, but the path that follows and the possibilities that arise from it, especially when we open up and allow ourselves to be loved again.
OPEN AGAIN was shortlisted and presented during the 2021 edition of CAMERA WORK OFF in Ravenna, Italy.
Giulia HrvatinPhotographer
Giulia HrvatinDirector / Dance Performance
Erika ChecchiChoreographer
Giulia Di VattimoChoreographer
Giulia HrvatinChoreographer
Giovanna SchivoArtwork
Matteo HrvatinVideomaker
Carola AmataPerformer
Federica BattaPerformer
Erika ChecchiPerformer
Dafni CremaPerformer
Giulia Di VattimoPerformer
Antonella GuglielmiPerformer
Giulia HrvatinPerformer
Sara IaconoPerformer
Sofia SalePerformer
Giulia TittoniPerformer
Project Title (Original Language):open again
Genres:Dance, Drama
Completion Date:November 23, 2019
Country of Origin:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Camera Work — OFFRavenna
May 7, 2021
[eng] Giulia Hrvatin is a photographer, director and visual artist from Rome.
Her body of work consists of a series of projects in which she explores human nature through movement and dance, utilizing various media. Each story originates from a personal and intimate journey but often ends up delving into universal themes.
Following a degree in Cinema and Visual Arts from the University of Roma Tre, she pursued a three-year master’s program in Photography at Scuola Romana di Fotografia e Cinema. Upon completing her academic journey, she was selected for an internship at Paolo Pellegrin’s studio and attended several workshops and courses to deepen her research path with artists and curators such as Erik Kessels, Federica Chiocchetti, Marco De Mutiis, Mirjam Kooiman and Francesco Zanot.
In addition to a number of independent and self-published photobooks and zines, her pictures have been featured in various magazines and publications such as Io Donna, F-STOP, Period Up, and Lenscratch.
Her projects have been selected and exhibited in multiple festivals in Italy and abroad, among which NaNo Film Festival, Camera Work — OFF, Star Film Fest, Biennale della Fotografia Femminile, FdCM24, Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards, RIURAU Film Festival, Funzilla EXPO, Folkestone Film Festival, OUTSIDER GARBATELLA FILM FEST and QUEER PANDÉMIA.
[ita] Giulia Hrvatin è una fotografa, regista e visual artist di Roma.
Il suo corpo di lavoro consiste in una serie di progetti nei quali esplora la natura umana attraverso il movimento e la danza, utilizzando diversi media. Ogni storia nasce da un percorso personale e intimo, ma la maggior parte delle volte finisce per esplorare temi universali.
In seguito ad una laurea in Cinema e Arti della Visione all’Università di Roma Tre, consegue un master triennale in Fotografia presso la Scuola Romana di Fotografia e Cinema. A conclusione del percorso accademico viene selezionata per uno stage presso lo Studio di Paolo Pellegrin, e frequenta diversi workshop e corsi per approfondire il suo percorso di ricerca con artisti e curatori del calibro di Erik Kessels, Federica Chiocchetti, Marco De Mutiis, Mirjam Kooiman e Francesco Zanot.
Oltre ad una serie di libri e fanzine indipendenti e autoprodotte, le sue fotografie sono state pubblicate su riviste quali Io Donna, F-STOP, Period Up, e Lenscratch.
I suoi progetti sono stati selezionati ed esposti presso vari festival in Italia e all'estero, tra i quali NaNo Film Festival, Camera Work — OFF, Star Film Fest, Biennale della Fotografia Femminile, FdCM24, Kuala Lumpur Photo Awards, RIURAU Film Festival, Funzilla EXPO, Folkestone Film Festival, OUTSIDER GARBATELLA FILM FEST e QUEER PANDÉMIA.