Matthew Wood's 10-minute music video "One Life" depicts the gloomy future vision of a society in which right-wing populists have seized power. The secret ceremony of a love marriage between two women is unmasked by the power of the government’s soldiers.
For Matthew Wood, this celebration is culminating in a swift escape showing the abysses of a society ruled by a totalitarian regime.
Laura N. JunghannsDirector
Michael KnöflerWriter
Michael KnöflerProducer
Matthew WoodProducer
Laura N. JunghannsProducer
Ian Siepmann BaumProducer
Matthew WoodKey Cast
Nici StrunkKey Cast
Emma HeartbeatKey Cast
Sandra PanglKey Cast
Henning BaumKey Cast
Cordula StratmannKey Cast
Matthew WoodMusic
Arno KrögerMusic
Jonas WeuSounddesign
Ian Siepmann BaumCamera
Ian Siepmann BaumDirector of photography
Benjamin WeuVFX
Jonas WeckschmiedColor Grading
Natalia NordheimerCostume
Katrin Knospeart direction/scenery
Sylvia Seiffertart direction/scenery
Michael Knöflerfilm editing
Zenon Kristenfilm editing
Jonas WeuSound
Project Title (Original Language):ONE LIFE
Project Type:Music Video, Short, Student
Runtime:10 minutes 26 seconds
Completion Date:December 16, 2016
Production Budget:5,000 USD
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Michael Knöfler
Distribution Information
Michael Knöfler
Laura N. Junghanns
Das 10-minütige Musikvideo „One Life" von Matthew Wood wagt die düstere Zukunftsvision einer Gesellschaft, in der Rechtspopulisten an die Macht gelangt sind. Eine Liebesheirat, die im Geheimen stattfinden muss, wird von der Regierung gestürmt. Für Matthew Wood mündet das Fest in eine rasanten Flucht, die ihn die Abgründe dieser totalitär geführten Gesellschaft erleben lässt.