I am a Canadian with Spanish origins. I lived all my life in Montreal, Québec and a few years in Paris and now living in Spain.
When I was a young boy I loved to draw and replicate images of people and super heroes, I eventually discovered a taste for music. Played the trumpet and the guitar. Then as a young adult I discovered photography which became the basis for what I do now. In filmmaking, I can do all of that; fantasy, music, images still or in movement, with a classical look or not, my imagination is the only limit.
I was an amateur photographer all my life and in 2012, I discovered Timelapse Photography. That was all I needed to make the big jump and since August of 2012, I dedicate myself exclusively to filmmaking using this technique.
I decided to publish my work using my artist name, which I owe to an idea from my daughter. I became Nobilis Bellator, which is Latin for Noble Warrior, and is the etymological meaning of my real Spanish last name which has Arabic origins and it’s meaning is “Warrior”, so I was told. So now you know!