Mulih (Homecoming)
A mother wait for his son's homecoming during the Eid Fitri Day. She prepare everything with the help of her old husband even though he's not sincere. She prepare everything, even her son would not come home at all. At least not in a real way.
Bihar JafarianDirectorStrangelife, The Elephant Might Know
Bihar JafarianWriterStrangelife, The Elephant Might Know, 4x2, Donnybrook
Bihar JafarianProducerDonnybrook, Proscenium
Nur Akmal NProducerRuang, Adil DIatas Peluru, Titik Terjauh, The Elephant Might Know, Strangelife
Kikit RizqillahProducerFrame Time
Mohammad AdityaProducerStrangelife
Kikih ZakiyahKey Cast
IriKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Mulih
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:October 1, 2016
Production Budget:919 USD
Country of Origin:Indonesia
Country of Filming:Indonesia
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Layar RubahBandung
October 29, 2016
Bandung Premiere -
October 29, 2016
Sumedang Premiere -
Bandung Independent Film Festival
Best Local Filmmaker Nominee -
Festival Film Surabaya
Piknik Sinema
Proyeksi FIlm Festival
Bihar Jafarian is a Producer, Screenwriter and Director who has made many short films including Strangelife (2015), The Elephant Might Know (2015), Mulih (2016) and Parawengi (2017). The films are already poor across many local festivals.
Bihar is nominated for Best Local Filmmaker at the Bandung Independent Film Festival in 2016 and 2017. He is also a finalist at Burien Film Festival Washington DC 2017 through the film Strangelife and Mulih.
In addition to making movies, Bihar had several times become a programmer in alternative screenings and festival, namely Sinema Lesehan 2016, Education Cinema 2017 and Santos Film Bandung Festival 2017.