Script File


An elderly woman's husband dies and leaves his money to his mistress. She goes to Florida to find the mistress and get revenge.

  • Aliza D Vigderman
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    comedy, family, drama
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Aliza D Vigderman

Aliza is a writer/ cliche living in Brooklyn. She blames Sex and the City for her unrealistic expectations about adulthood.

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Writer Statement

Minerva is the story of woman who thinks her life is over. She has spent 60 years in a loveless marriage, and expects to be paid handsomely for it- but when her husband dies suddenly and leaves her high and dry, she realizes her life with him was a waste. At the bequest of her dependent son Dan, she travels to Florida to trick the mistress and win her money back.

There are so few movies, let alone comedies, about older people (particularly women). Our society in general seeks to hide the elderly, in nursing homes, at family dinners, and in golf clubs tucked in the humid swamps of Boca Raton. I find these women, the women at the end of their lives, the women who grew up literally in a different time, the most interesting of all.

What did they dream for when they were young? Are they happy with the way things turned out? Is it truly impossible to teach an old dog new tricks?

Cynical, silly, and at times heartwarming, Minerva is a tale of family, friendship, and the disappointments and triumphs of both.